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RE: Forest of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Work in Progress for Commodore Amiga

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Really enjoyed the "Illusion" game that was on Sega Genesis. For such a whimsical game with relatively easy gameplay, it was a lot of fun to play. I'm pretty sure I played the 2nd one on PC as well. These games don't need modern graphics, they are fine the way they are.. maybe some updated music would be all that they need.


I agree. Sega really hit the nail on the head with the animation and graphics quality of the Illusion games. I only ever got to play World of Illusion (the one with Donald Duck in it) and missed out on Castle of Illusion (the first game in the series). I always wanted to play it but never got it. All the used game stores around me were constantly sold out of it and now they want an arm and a leg for it.