I have had a great time with Ghost of Tsushima and for the most part think it is an absolutely outstanding title. It is one of the best that I have played in quite some time. However, after playing it for around 30 hours or so I have to say that I think the game is too long.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem in a game where your style and powers vary greatly as you carry on in games such as Witcher 3 or God of War but with "Ghost" we don't really end up having that much of a variety in skills as you progress.
A lot of this is because of the fact that you are meant to be mortal and not posses any sort of magical powers and I can appreciate that. At the same time though this means that most battles are going to end up being very similar to one another and as I have carried on in act 3 I notice that I am just mostly rushing the gates of any objective and taking on everyone at once rather than trying to have some sort of strategy and use stealth and evasion tactics.

Without spoiling anything, even though I feel as though it is glaringly obvious as far as the story is concerned, you face off against a particular Mongol really early on and your entire quest seems to be about finding and defeating this person. Well I've done that and the game STILL isn't over. It is carrying on with a new twist in the story that I have to say, I no longer care about.
I don't want a game to be too short, that of course is much worse, but I'm only doing the main story at this point because I am already familiar enough with combat that I don't actually need anymore health or powerups in order to pretty easily overcome any obstacle that is thrown in my direction. Of course I could rectify this by stepping the difficulty up from normal but at this point I don't think that would really change how I feel about the game.
Had I continued playing the game on easy which is what I initially did, I think I probably would have just stopped playing the game by now. So even though I already made an entire post about exactly that I reiterate do NOT play this game on easy setting

Really the only thing I have to look forward to now is more and more brutal kills and even with that there are only so many of those to go around and once you've seen them 12x, it loses the allure.
I do not know how many more hours there are remaining in the game but honestly at this point I am ready for it to end. It's still a great game and one of my favorite open world action-RPG's that I have ever played. I just think that they might have made it a bit longer than was necessary.
I can't wait to finally try this game out when it gets released on PC. I'll keep your tips in mind for when it finally does. Gonna go for hard mode right away haha.
I wonder what that would be like. I'll probably pick the game back up in the future and try exactly that. Hard is not normally something I can handle in a game but I think it would actually make this one a lot more interesting because the stealth would be necessary.....
but then again, I would probably start to complain about the stealth being necessary at that point. :)
Haha yeah I'd probably end up doing the same thing to be honest. I don't like being stealthy at all lol.
It has been too long since I last played a good game. Most of what I play now are casual games which can go on forever but take little time to play at the same time. 😁
Woah so you're bored of the game now just after 30 hours :P. Then even a normal game like League of Legends is better. I've played that game for god knows how many hours probably a year's lifetime worth of hours lol. Anyways nice that you gave us an update on the game you thought was super great and hype
lol, just 30 hours? I wouldn't say that I am bored so much as there really isn't that much they could have done to make it any different than they did. I realize that I am come across as very difficult to please but honestly, that is the way that I am. I sunk thousands of hours into MMO's in the past and I hope to never do that ever again.
Thousands of hour into mmo well those are usually grindy and usually you can't get everything even if you spend money unless you legit filthy rich I guess u could buy everything. Ya just 30 hours isn't that much in my opinion considering the time i put on games :x but that's just me lol so no worries~
At this rate, the games that take more than 8 hours to complete is too long for you...
it must be the old-school gamer in me! Most games back in the day never took 8 hours to complete because there was no save option.
Bruh, like the First Resident Evil? Those were cruel days, if you leave the game you have to do it all again. But look at these gen games this way, you can return to it and finish it whenever you want while enjoying the journey and life of the characters.
I was able to save in the first Resident Evil on PS1. Maybe you didn't have a memory card? What a scam those things were though, right? Oh you want to save your game? That'll be $25 extra and we have made the cards intentionally very small so you will have to buy several of them.
Oof, money grabbers.
Off topic, did you get the new PS5? It’s available everywhere now, I still can’t as it is very expensive where I live. It’s a bit higher than the original’s price.
I'll probably wait until my ps4 dies before I upgrade or when PlayStation decides to force us to buy it by making all the games ps5 exclusives. I'm not really hardcore enough to be on board the latest and greatest as far as gaming is concerned, hence the fact that most of the games I play are many years old.
In the same boat. I will play the ultra-long game, even by my standards, called Walking Dead right after I finish this GOW4 in the highest difficulty. This game was one of the reasons why I wanted to buy the ps4. I got it on an offer too, $23 for the whole game, all the DLC, and an extra 60 hours of gameplay.
Funny, for me it was God of War which was too long and repetitive. I really enjoyed playing Ghost and was really sad when I finished it. But hey, I'm a paradox games guy with more than 1600hours on EUIV only, so I may not be the best example.
I think I felt that way about the first PS4 GoW as well. They did a good job with that one though in that MOST of the content was optional. I guess you could probably say that is also the case with Ghost but I chose to not play it that way.
It is indeed long but It never lets you get bored.