Well, I can only play League of Legends, and I used to play a lot of Pubg Mobile and CoD Mobile, now not so much.
But I like to watch Pubg streams for pc, fortnite and warzone. In some cases I saw a bit about Apex but I don't know much about the game really, I saw all this in the streaming of winghavenistheman, a spanish youtuber, and pokimane😍
I mostly just play Apex and Call of Duty. I used to play PUBG but have stopped.
What do you play @wesp05?
Well, I can only play League of Legends, and I used to play a lot of Pubg Mobile and CoD Mobile, now not so much.
But I like to watch Pubg streams for pc, fortnite and warzone. In some cases I saw a bit about Apex but I don't know much about the game really, I saw all this in the streaming of winghavenistheman, a spanish youtuber, and pokimane😍