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Todos nós que estamos envolvidos neste ambiente criptográfico vivemos um ano intenso em 2022. O Bear Market chegou arrastando tudo para baixo e matando inúmeros projetos após o grande hype dos jogos Play2Earn, mas felizmente o Splinterlands não é um desses jogos que foram sepultados e continua respirando bem, evoluindo e tentando alcançar patamares cada vez maiores.

Apenas no inverno nós descobrimos quem realmente está preparado para sobreviver e quais são os projetos que estão "nadando pelado" e prestes a morrer após a primeira nevasca. Apesar de tudo o Splinterlands manteve seu desenvolvimento (apesar do corte de funcionários) e está com um planejamento muito interessante para o ano de 2023 quando finalmente teremos o lançamento das Lands que provavelmente impactarão bastante a forma como vemos o jogo atualmente.

É extremamente válido mencionar que durante este ano difícil houveram diversos lançamentos interessantes como por exemplo a coleção Runi que alcançou a marca de 54,2% mints, ou seja, 3.521 Runis dos 6.500 existentes foram cunhados e agora estão nas mãos dos jogadores de Splinterlands.

Eu sei que está sendo difícil e que a cada semana que passa se torna ainda mais complicado acreditar que as coisas irão melhorar, mas acredite, são nos momentos de maior medo que se encontram as maiores oportunidades. Pode parecer clichê mas é fato que estar investido em projetos sólidos que conseguirem sobreviver ao longo Bear Market que estamos vivendo será uma ótima forma de estar posicionado para o próximo Bull Market. Em momentos em que todos estão desanimados e desistiram do mercado de crypto você deve juntar todas as suas forças e fazer o oposto, mas sempre levando em consideração os riscos, fazendo aportes graduais e avaliando bem o contexto em que estamos vivendo.
A recessão econômica já começou e tende a se agravar no ano de 2023, entretanto pensar que isso é motivo para ficar fora do mercado pode te fazer perder o timing, afinal, quando tudo já estiver "claro" e as coisas parecerem melhores eu tenho certeza que os bons projetos já terão atingido valores muito maiores do que os atuais. Nós não precisamos acertar o fundo do mercado, precisamos apenas acertar em quais projetos vamos investir nosso dinheiro. Se você acredita que o Splinterlands está evoluindo, possui uma boa equipe e que tem condições de se posicionar bem para o próximo Bull Market, então você provavelmente está com uma ótima oportunidade de se posicionar em um ótimo projeto com preços bem descontados.

Em algum momento nós vislumbraremos a luz no fim do túnel e apenas aqueles que não desistiram poderão colher os frutos da vitória de ter sobrevivido por tanto tempo neste rigoroso inverno.
Apesar de tudo 2022 para mim foi o melhor ano da minha vida em termos profissionais, financeiros e pessoais. Eu mudei de cidade, de emprego, comecei a morar sozinho e a comprar meus próprios móveis, além de tudo isso consegui evoluir bastante como criador de conteúdo na Hive e engajar com inúmeras curadorias maravilhosas. Nada disso seria possível sem o envolvimento da @Hive-br e as pessoas incríveis que eu conheci nesta comunidade, eu não irei marcar pois são muitas pessoas e acabarei esquecendo algumas, mas saibam que vocês fazem parte do meu crescimento e ajudaram a melhorar minha vida!

Eu desejo para todos vocês que 2023 seja um ano repleto de muitas realizações e que estejamos juntos para surfar a próxima onda que virá (algum dia). Vamos continuar evoluindo pois apenas assim garantiremos que chegaremos vivos ao próximo Bull Market!

Para comemorarmos esta data, nada melhor do que distribuir alguns packs para as pessoas que me acompanham e que me incentivam a continuar melhorando cada dia mais. Eu irei sortear 3 Chaos Legion Packs e para participar basta seguir as seguintes etapas:
Seguir o meu perfil da Hive.
Comentar quais são suas expectativas para o ano de 2023.
Todos que cumprirem estes requisitos estarão qualificados para participar do sorteio e poderão levar um Chaos Legion Pack como prêmio. Os vencedores serão anunciados após o Payout desta postagem, então sintam-se livres para compartilhar com os amigos que quiserem participar!

Muito obrigado a todos que leram até aqui, espero que tenham gostado. Se vocês curtirem meus conteúdos, peço que deixem o seu voto na postagem e sigam o meu perfil para poderem acompanhar as futuras postagens.

All of us involved in this cryptographic environment lived an intense year in 2022. Bear Market arrived dragging everything down and killing countless projects after the great hype of Play2Earn games, but fortunately Splinterlands is not one of those games that were buried and continues to breathe well, evolving and trying to reach ever greater heights.

Only in winter do we find out who really is prepared to survive and which projects are "swimming naked" and about to die after the first snowfall. Despite everything, Splinterlands has maintained its development (despite the cut of employees) and has a very interesting plan for the year 2023 when we will finally have the launch of Lands that will probably have a big impact on the way how we see the game today.

It is extremely valid to mention that during this difficult year there were several interesting launches such as the Runi collection which reached the mark of 54.2% mints, that is, 3,521 Runis of the 6,500 existing ones were minted and are now in the hands of Splinterlands players.

I know it's been difficult and that with each passing week it becomes even more complicated to believe that things will get better, but believe me, the greatest opportunities are found in the moments of greatest fear. It may sound cliché but it is a fact that being invested in solid projects that manage to survive the long Bear Market that we are experiencing will be a great way to be positioned for the next Bull Market. In times when everyone is discouraged and has given up on the crypto market, you must join all your forces and do the opposite, but always taking risks into account, making gradual contributions and carefully evaluating the context in which we are living.
The economic recession has already started and tends to get worse in 2023, however thinking that this is a reason to stay out of the market can make you lose your timing, after all, when everything is already "clear" and things look better I I'm sure that the good projects will have already reached much higher values than the current ones. We don't need to settle the bottom of the market, we just need to settle which projects we're going to invest our money in. If you believe that Splinterlands is evolving, has a good team and is in a position to position itself well for the next Bull Market, then you probably have a great opportunity to position yourself on a great project at heavily discounted prices.

At some point we will glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel and only those who have not given up will be able to reap the rewards of having survived this harsh winter for so long.
Despite everything 2022 for me was the best year of my life in professional, financial and personal terms. I changed cities, changed jobs, started living alone and buying my own furniture, besides all that I managed to evolve a lot as a content creator at Hive and engage with countless wonderful curator projects. None of this would be possible without the involvement of @Hive-br and the incredible people I've met in this community, I won't tag them because there are too many people and I'll end up forgetting some, but know that you are part of my growth and helped improve my life!

I wish for all of you that 2023 is a year filled with many achievements and that we are together to surf the next wave that will come (someday). We will continue to evolve as this is the only way we will ensure that we make it to the next Bull Market alive!

To celebrate this date, nothing better than distributing some packs to the people who accompany me and who encourage me to continue improving every day. I will giveaway 3 Chaos Legion Packs and to participate just follow these steps:
Follow my Hive profile.
Comment your expectations for the 2023.
Everyone who meets these requirements will be eligible to participate in the giveaway and will be able to win a Chaos Legion Pack as a prize. Winners will be announced after Payout for this post, so feel free to share with friends who want to participate!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this far, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like my content, I ask you to send your vote on the post and follow my profile so you can read future posts.

(the answer requested in the post.)The first winners were @Lipe100dedos and @dagger88. Unfortunately @jeremiahcustis's selected comment was not his main one
The last selected winner was @syel25! Congrats to all the winners and I hope you get lucky with these packs and get a Legendary Gold Foil!
Thank you for all the comments, I hope your wishes for 2023 come true and that many other good things happen throughout the year!
Thank you for the pack!
muito obrigado pelo pack
Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.
Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive
100% Boost.Congratulations, @underlock Your Post Got
83.01 UPME & We Followed That Lead.@underlock Burnt
Contact Us : CORE / VAULT Token Discord Channel
Eu espero começar 2023 ganhando um pack, que venha um invocador lendário gold. Caso não seja possível atender a minha espectativa, acho razoável ganhar um pack com um invocador lendário regular.
Desejo a todos um ótimo ano, de muitas realizações e conquistas.
(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
Espero que a sorte esteja ao seu lado e realize estes e muitos outros sonhos. Ontem eu tirei meu primeiro lendário gold foil desde que comecei a jogar kkkkk
To have the game stabilize to encourage more players.
The market works in cycles, so eventually better times will come!
Alô Sidney corre aqui Rapidão deixa de preguiça e leia esse Post...... Brincadeiras a parte espero que 2023 consiga tudo em dobro :) Algo me diz vai ser um ano difícil más somos fortes e sobreviveremos.
kkkkkkk nós somos brasileiros e não desistimos nunca, vamos continuar construindo em 2023!
End of crypto bear market and for more players to join Splinterlands game!
I imagine the Bear Market will take some time to finish, but these are great times to keep building!
Você é um dos muitos membros valiosos da comunidade HiveBR sempre disposto a ajudar e acumulando cada vez mais conhecimento e network!
Dessa forma que crescemos ajudando uns aos outros!
Pra 2023 espero ter mais tempo pra criar meus conteudos na HIVE e me posicionar melhor nos projetos que eu curto e acredito...
Obrigado por compartilhar!
Click this banner to join "The Cartel" discord server to know more.
Essa colaboração entre todos é a melhor maneira de crescer saudável na Hive, exatamente como uma colmeia onde todas as abelhas se ajudam. Muito obrigado por todo o apoio e que continuemos a crescer em 2023 (e parabéns pelo incrível projeto que você está iniciando)!
Exatamente. Trabalhar como em uma colmeia é o melhor caminho... e muito obrigado. O apoio da comunidade BR tá sendo incrível :)
You have received a 1UP from @lipe100dedos!
@monster-curator, @oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @bee-curator, @thg-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕. The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.
I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
curation-cartel tipped underlock (x1)
shiftrox tipped underlock (x1) @pirulito.zoado tipped @underlock (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza!
I expect in this 2023 a stability in the crypto world and that little by little the SPS and DEC will gain value and manage to stabilize.
Little by little the DEC is getting closer to the PEG and after that, things will tend to improve for the SPS too
Not much expectations for 2023: I think the bear market will continue as we know it.
Count me in @engilhramn
I also believe it will remain bearish for most of the year, but it's a great time to keep evolving.
My expectations for this year is that dec reach peg value and the start of sps flywheel. Also, the release of the Legendary earth summoner which was delayed because the team is on vacation.
Ign: @saydie
The return of DEC to its PEG will be a very important milestone for Splinterlands!
Feliz Ano novo!
Que seja um ano de superação de todos e que a economia nos ajude a evoluirmos cada vez mais para conquistarmos nossos objetivos financeiros e materiais. E que a saúde não nos falte para seguirmos firme nessa jornada.
Com certeza precisamos de muita saúde para aguentar os trancos e barrancos que este mercado extremamente volátil nos proporciona kkkk
Congratulations @underlock! You received a personal badge!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Check out our last posts:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
personal account growth! and still believing in HIVE community.
please count me in in your give away! tnx!
have a great year ahead!
Growing your profile is a great way to join Hive!
Feliz ano novo para você e sua família!
O momento é realmente complicado, mas tenho pensado sempre que a hive é além de apenas uma forma de conseguir ganhos, um segundo emprego por exemplo. Aqui conheci pessoas da minha tribo, voltadas para jogos, tecnologia, criação de conteúdo, dentre outros.
Então, mesmo se tudo der errado, acredito que vou continuar postando e interagindo, como uma forma de terapia pessoal para mim e enquanto isso, acreditando que o mercado vai esquentar de novo e tudo vai melhorar rs.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Aqui é praticamente minha terceira casa e eu desejo continuar crescendo, criando conteúdo e conhecendo pessoas por muitos anos ainda!
Este ano espero melhorar e evoluir financeiramente e na comunidade, além de ficar mais forte no splinterlands também.
A cada passo as coisas vão melhorando e ao olhar para trás você perceberá a quantidade de realizações que você alcançou
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
To learn and start playing the game.
Also reach dolphin by march end.
And achieve my set of goals for hive and hive engine tokens defined by me for 2023.
Good luck on this journey to evolve into a dolphin!
more new players joining
count me in
With the 2023 improvements the player base should increase
100% Boost.Congratulations, @underlock Your Post Got
73.942 HELIOS & We Followed That Lead.@underlock Burnt
Contact Us : HELIOS Token Discord Channel
Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
I don't have much expectations to be honest. Just staying healthy and normal is a blessing in itself.
At the end of the day, that's what really matters, because if you're well and healthy, it's possible to conquer other things.
good luk guys
that 2023 is proposed that we have more patience, more kindness and more humility enough of so much gratuitous hate in exchange for nothing, from this life we don't come with anything and we take nothing so why take grudges to the grave?
!PIZZA @pirulito.zoado
Exactly, let's just promote peace and friendship between us
Hope that some new players will find their way to Splinterlands, so that this game will still be successful and everything will stabilize.
Even if now is a good time to buy, I firmly believe in Splinterland and that the prices will rise again. In this sense happy new year and
count me in please🙏
!LUV @bechibenner
Eventually the cycle will change and people will start returning to the Splinterlands.
I hope so too!
espero começar 2023 ganhando uns sorteios ai que tao sorteando uns pack do CL kkkk, brincadeiras a parte, pretendo em 2023 ficar com o deck de agua e terra redondinhos pra jogar no prata do mordern(ao menos com as cartas do CL, Rebelion some daqui disgreta), talvez arriscar subir pro ouro em algumas seassons, e me preparar pra garantir ao menos 1 copia garantida do primeiro airdrop da proxima coleção
Boa mano, são ótimas mets para se estabelecer bem no Splinterlands durante este momento de baixa, boa sorte nessa jornada!
I really appreciate your content bro. I love it
The problem I have is the game. I do not have the game neither do I know where and how to get it. How do I get to it?
To start the game you need login into your Splinterlands account and buy the Spellbook to be able to play ranked matches
That is nice
Link to a game I just played
I hope to get my HIVE POWER up to at least a thousand.
You will definitely succeed, just keep constancy and always improve your content!
Cheers! Have a !pizza
Congratulations @underlock! You received a personal badge!
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Check out our last posts:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
I am looking forward to the start of the next bull run and for new players to come to Splinterlands.
One day the Bull Market will come, we just have to wait and build!
Thanks for the giveaway, my expectations in 2023 is to continue my master degree in US and then worked there
Thanks for the chance
Good luck with your masters, I hope everything goes well!
Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @underlock.
I hope summer 2023, things will turn around.
!hbit @jhuleader
Soon summer will come
My expectations for 2023 is a slow recovery for the financial world but first the dips will keep coming. Other than that it will be more of the same.
My goal this year is to survive the bear market and to see splinterlands get back on the upward path!!
Count me in, thanks!!!
Happy New Year and Good Luck to everyone!! 🦄
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Punish the bots and allow more human players to join
Thanks for the giveaway!
My ign: @stekene
I expect that the bear market will continue through 2023. Ofcourse this depends on a lot of macroeconomic factors aswell.
This shouldn't be really a problem, but rather an opportunity, the good projects will thrive anyway :D
I do not have high expectation about Splinterlands because not much we can do during this bear market. I hope everyone will be healthy and happy, regardless how much we can earn from Splinterlands in 2023.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
I only hope that from splinterlands chest and sps battle reward still can make some profit for rental player like me. IGN Poplar-22