Welcome Gamers!
I'm back with CS2 content. This time its not gonna be a video but post about my placements matches in Premier League. At the end of the post I'm gonna summarize everything, my Kills/Deaths/Assists, number of wins, percentage and position in ladder. First I want to describe all my matches along with screenshots.Match 1
It started good, in my first match that I recorded for Hive I scored 23 kills / 2 asists / 13 deaths. We started by losing couple rounds but we haven't gave up and we managed to take a 13:7 win.

Match 2

Match 3
Fuck this is when shit happens, we had to play nuke... I hate this map, but even that couldn't stop me, I got 24 kills and was the best player in my team again! Unfortunetly that wasn't enough, as you can see a guy called BusinessMan337 had to ruin the winstreak and I ended up losing for the first time 8:13.

Match 4
This match I remember I was really tilted after BusinessMan337 had to ruin my streak. I was tilted and I couldn't show my best and that leads to second lose in a row.

Match 5
The next match was really tight, both sides didn't want to give up, almost everyone was playing at the same level getting similar amount of kills. However it ended up 15:15 which is a tie. I was really mad, cause literally 1-2 more kills would let us win and I couldn't make it happen.

Match 6
Well another lose, as you can see I've been already mentally fucked. After BusinessMan who trolled my nuke, and the 15:15 match I was not satisifyied with my skill so I ended up playing like trash again :/

Match 7
I didn't want to give up, even tho the day was kinda bad for me and I ended up winning one match before sleep, I played not bad and I got to 24 kills.

Match 8
Here we started second day. I woke up with restarted minset and we managed to win. I didn't do much, but my kills were really important so I wasn't mad. My next match was even easier, I decided to play with my friends @wronathekid and @furyliciouzz. We kinda smashed the enemies without any problems and I was again a top scorer with 23kills/2asists/13 deaths. The result was 13:5 for us.
Match 9
Then we played another match and it was so close, I'm happy I performed good here cause the score was 13:11, if I played a little bit worse that could be a lose, instead we earned another win.

Match 10
Not a long to say about the next match, some people just didn't perfrom like they should. We are losing 7:13

Match 11

Match 12
Well I said something about "ONE MORE" and we did "ONE MORE" once again, unfrotunetly we had to play nuke and our communication was really bad. Once again "ONE MORE" ended by losing. Remember guys never play "ONE MORE" if you feel like you wanna stop or you tired.

Match 13
Time to start another day, full of motivation. We scoring a win.

Match 14
Boom another win with me getting 20 kills.

Match 15
ANDDDDD Another win getting 21 kills.

Match 16
At this point I were one match away from finishing placements so I gave my best, I scored 20 kills and won my last match!

Time for conslusion
It took me overall 16 matches to finish placements in Premier League. That means I won 10 matches and lost 6 matches. Not a good score :/ I could've play only when I feel good, some matches as I described I played really tired, some were not my fault.Things could go better, but it is how it is.
I scored:
✅KILLS: 302
💀DEATHS: 264
I got 8,433 CS Rating points with a 58,82% winratio and that places me at Rank 40,201. Kinda feels bad to be like 43% community, in CSGO I had a global elite rank which was a way lower percentage. But I'm not giving up I will climb higher and higher and I'll do weekly posts about my progress, I also plan doing some streams from time to time. I'm so happy that I can finally play CS2 and I want to show you my best. Mark my words, soon 10k+ CS Rating!
How much CS Rating points you guys got? How are you doing in placements? Let me know in comments.
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Man, those are good stats. Don't underestimate yourself. I think you have very good KDAs. A normal player will be very happy with this win rate.
Thanks man. Probably you're right. I definitely expect too much from myself
I love all the changes they made in CS2, it seems to me that now we have a CS for 6 more years, hahaha.
Yea man me too. Those changes are amazing. Good to see other people enjoying it too! :)
I've also been not bad in CSS and CSGO in my school time
but have not played for over 5 years now, cuz of my shitty internet
I would be interested to play some matches again and especially to see how good I still am :S :D xD
but probably still not anytime soon.. too much going on
yea man, fix your real life stuff, get a new internet and then you can think about playing, its definitely a good idea. It will bring back some nostalgy if you liked the game previously