Hello cybernaut, I hope you are having a good day, from my side it is an excellent day. Today I want to post a little report about the things I've been doing lately in avakin. As you already know, I love this game, and there is always something different to do in it. Have a seat cybernaut, and if you can A sweet, this is Avakin Life.
Lately I have the habit of accumulating money so as not to be empty all the time, and for that I do several things, among them going to the desert. In avakin Life there are several ways to earn money, one is spinning roulette wheels, another is working in the cafeteria, also participating in fashion contests and finally this one. The desert is a place where you open chests and among them you get objects and a bit of experience. It's fun because everything is based on having to open a fairly large chest, but opening it is not something that is so easy. To be able to uncover this chest you have to open many others but of small size and in them find "beetle pieces", when we have all these pieces (there are 5), it's time to look for a key that is used to open what we want. It is complicated if you are a beginner, because in the desert (also called Egypt) there are many chests and a limited amount of opportunities to open them. Mostly it's composed of blue chests and those contain the scarabs, but the red ones are the ones with the key. Luckily, when you're a veteran like me, you already know where the pieces are (they never change places), but who does is the key.
Sometimes I come with friends and we make time races to see who can uncover the big chest first, we even make bets. Sometimes it's easier because some people leave the location of the key in the chat, but when it's not, you have to look for it on your own, and if you're cool you also leave the address exposed so that it can be given to someone else. When you complete this you receive money, but if you do it for the first time you will receive better things, like a house, an Egyptian cat, cars, clothes, etc...
The desert was one way, another is working in the café. When it comes to doing this, you can do two things, work or ask for food. If I order food I gain experience but not money, but this is also useful because I can level up, and when you do that you also get some rewards (money).
Being the seller instead of the customer also gives you experience, but not as much as being the one who buys, still what matters is that you earn money and you can work as much as you want for it. There are several coffee shops, there is the sundown cafe, the one in the plaza, the rose tea (the one I show in the pictures) and others. In all of them they sell different things, for example: in the one in the plaza the most sold thing is sandwiches, but in the one in the roses people like to order waffles or hot chocolate, in the sundown one it is hamburgers.
This room has something special (a bug), and very few know of its existence, even among some experienced players this is something unknown. The cafeteria has a wall that at first glance looks normal, but the reality is that behind it there is another world (the 4th dimension...). To access this you need something very simple, a pose called: the cursed drag. From the other side it looks like the fourth dimension, and from the wall you can see everything that happens inside the room but nobody can see you, but nevertheless "they know" that you are there, that's why I call it "the fourth wall". It is a very precious place for me, and I can only get to show it to people I am very fond of. The place is relaxed and is perfect for thinking, and more because in that cafe there is a piano melody too charming to make anyone drowsy.
Another thing that is a job but I don't earn money in it, is the Garden/Garden, in fact here instead of earning money I lose it. This is another very quiet place and it's perfect to earn some little things (badges, household items, wings, and poses), but all this has a price... The way you get these things is by paying for them with "buttons", and to earn those buttons you have to harvest vegetables, get honey from beehives and fishing. Personally I only do the vegetables and bees "since I don't like to fish". Sometimes when I want to spend time with a girl I like I bring her to this place, and that's because there is a nice shady wooden house where I can relax and chat in peace, "I think this is better than doing it in the disco and places with lots of people and noise".
Something else that I can call "work" is being a mother, since it requires time, dedication and also money out of my pocket. If you keep up with my stories on avakin, you will know that I have a daughter (Moni). So far she has been a fabulous daughter, really, I have no complaints about her, she has even become more spontaneous with me and that makes me very happy, knowing that I am doing a good job as a mother makes me feel good. Taking care of her is not very difficult because she is not a rebellious child and does not cause problems, in the same way, taking care of her is my obligation, that is why, part of the money I earn working also goes to her, I mean, "a father must give support to his child", in the same way it is not a burden, because I like to give her things and see how the amount of clothes she has expands more and more (I know that makes her happy), she also wears everything I give her and that is very nice for me.
If you ever want to play avakin, with this you already have a little guide on how to earn money and also how to lose it haha. I hope you liked this post my cybernaut, I just want to say: take care of yourself, I hope your day is excellent and you know, see you soon.
The game looks pretty good and the way to get money leaves one entertained, especially the desert chests.
Así es, esa zona es muy visitada por eso, porqué es muy divertida, y además muy benefactora 🫰🤑
en eso no me queda ninguna duda.
I always wondered how you earn the in game currency in this game. Exploring the desert sounds fun. But working in cafetaria and other jobs sounds quite boring to me...lol
Jajaja, de hecho ahí le atinaste bastante bien, a mucha gente le dá tanta pereza ir al jardín y la cafetería 😂
Hey, a friendly suggestion. I was reading the post and got confused many times cause there were too many lines in one spot. I don't know about others but if you can just make parts with 3-5 lines with each part of the story or topic, it'll make reading for the visitors of your post easier.
Jaja hola muy buenos días, no te preocupes yo comprendo lo que quieres decir. Lo hago así porqué no hay una norma establecida que diga que no se deben hacer párrafos largos, de hecho, se pueden considerar largos cuando llevan más de 14 o 20 líneas en adelante (pero eso no lo hace incorrecto, solo aburrido para ciertos lectores). También se escriben textos largos cuando se está hablando del mismo tema en secuencia y cuando es punto y final es porqué acabas de concluir una idea o el desarrollo de esta y quieres empezar un tema distinto (por eso los hago así de largos). Aparte de eso, para leer textos largos sin confusión, hay que tener buena comprensión lectora y entender muy bien las pautas gramaticales (osea, los puntos).
Yo estudio mucho los puntos gramaticales y los uso adecuadamente, por lo qué confundirse si eres un buen lector "es difícil". Por ejemplo, este texto lo hago aparte, porqué estoy explicando algo distinto a lo que dije arriba (osea es una idea aparte "y para eso usé el punto y final"). Cuando se trata de escribir se puede hacer de cualquier manera, pues la escritura no lleva una forma exacta. Lo qué si debe ser correcto es el uso de los puntos para que al lector se le facilite la lectura, pero si el lector no hace las pautas en su mente, eso ya no es culpa del escritor. Yo pongo las pautas, y el receptor debe observarlas y saber ejecutarlas. Yo veo que tú sabes escribir con buenas pautas, pero quizá leer se te dificulta más cuando son textos largos, pero es que eso lleva práctica, de hecho los libros tienen textos muy largos, y los libros están escritos por personas que saben escribir adecuadamente. Imagina que un libro tenga textos así de 3 a 5 líneas (no sería lo mismo). Lo que hay que saber es leer sin perder la concentración "ó" la idea en la mente.
Y disculpa por responder tarde
Thanks for explaining. I know that there are no rules about it and it was just an opinion from my point of view.
I think they seemed longer cause I was reading using my phone but I also agree with your points.