English version below
Imagen cortesia de steamdeckhq
Ya hemos tenido a la Steam Deck por un largo rato y no deja de sorprenderme lo bien que ha sido tomada por el publico, antes ya habia pasado que consolas alternativas que buscaban un mercado al lado de Xbox, Sony y Nintendo se estrellaban contra los costos pero al parecer Valve ha logrado encontrar su espacio y dar algunos golpes a la mesa.
Algunos ya pronostican que las ventas de esta primera consola de Valve llegaran a los 3 millones de unidades, todo un exito tambien es el catalogo de juegos que ofrece teniendo hasta 10.000 juegos compatibles que van aumentando a buenos ritmos gracias a la comunidad y a los testers.
Vamos a ver de donde sale todo esto...
Empezo como algo prometedor, yo lo veia y creia completamente en que Valve con todo el dinero que tiene podia competir sacando algo parecido a lo que seria una pc gamer pero portatil, nunca espere que fuese tan viral y exitosa como lo esta siendo.
Imagen cortesia de steamdeckhq
Lanzada en el 2022 la Steam Deck siempre ha tenido un punto de atraccion enorme desde que se anuncio, ya habia existido un antecedente a esta consola y que pocos conocimos, las llamadas Steam Machines que sirvieron mucho como punto de referencia para este nuevo modelo.
El mayor resumen de la Steam Deck es que es una Switch pero mucho mas poderosa, tiene las especificaciones de una pc gamer de alta gama y de alguna manera lo condensa a una consola portatil con suficiente poder como para correr los juegos mas recientes y con mejores graficos de una manera eficiente, esto ya de por si, bastaba para muchos.
Pero se ponia mejor incluso porque el enfoque que ha querido tener Valve con esta consola es la de darle a los jugadores todas las variantes posibles, equipado con un sistema Linux y su propio Sistema Operativo hace que pueda incluso correr la tienda de Steam (la mas grande de PC) y correr una gran cantidad de sus juegos.
Imagen cortesia de 9to5toys
El SteamOS (sistema operativo de la consola) ha sido uno de los grandes consentidos de Valve, apuntando que con este sistema los usuarios podian acceder a una biblioteca enorme de juegos en Steam en un primer momento, junto con un programa que gracias a los jugadores iba a agregar casi a diario nuevos juegos basados en las experiencias y revisiones de otros jugadores.
Imagen cortesia de PCInvasion
Basicamente si alguien queria volverse un reviewer de algun juego para ver si corria en la Steam Deck, podia hacerlo sin mucho papeleo, de hecho fue su comunidad enorme que ha cultivado desde su lanzamiento lo que ha hecho que la consola hoy en dia pueda correr mas de una decena de miles de juegos disponibles en Steam.
Pero tambien estaba el tema de la flexibilidad de este sistema operativo, ya que era de codigo libre, podias modificarlo a tu antojo, instalar las aplicaciones que quisieras y hasta reemplazarlo en su totalidad para instalar otro sistema operativo, dandole una sensacion de personalizacion mucho mas alta que otras consolas.
Imagen cortesia de Forbes
Asi que tenemos portabilidad y personalizacion, uno pensaria que llegando al tema del rendimiento una consola como esta caeria por su peso, ¿Como es posible mantener los 60fps y una experiencia de juego acorde con un enfoque como el de Steam Deck?
Aqui es donde la maquinaria entra en juego
Desde lo tecnico tienen sus argumentos, una colaboracion con AMD cubren su procesador especializado y dedicado, variante de un Rizen 6 (mas que suficiente para cubrir gran cantidad de juegos de primer nivel) con 16gb de RAM y una tarjeta grafica con la capacidad de una Radeon RX 6000, sus mandos agarran nuevamente inspiracion de la Switch con dos sticks a los lados pero agregando tanto un trackpad como gatillos adicionales a los costados para mas oportunidades en los controles.
Imagen cortesia de Kotaku
Todo este poder tecnico, en conjunto con una gran audiencia y entusiastas dispuestos a ayudar a que mas y mas juegos sean agregados a la biblioteca le han dado un impulso enorme a Valve para vender su idea de lo que debe ser una consola.
El Steam Deck no se limita solo a juegos de Steam. los panas tecnologicos también pueden instalar y ejecutar juegos de Windows en el dispositivo algo que me parecio en su momento insolito, lo que amplía aún más su biblioteca de juegos. Esto es especialmente atractivo para aquellos que desean jugar títulos que no están disponibles en Steam pero que pueden disfrutarse en plataformas de Windows (aunque como dije antes, hay juegos agregandose casi semanalmente al catalogo de steam deck)
Con mas de 3 millones de venta desde su lanzamiento se puede decir que Microsoft y Sony tienen un nuevo rival en el pueblo
Imagen cortesia de Rock Paper Shotgun
Algo en lo que si estan de acuerdo la mayoria de los medios es en el Steam Deck ya es parte de la historia y un competidor a tomar en cuenta en el escenario de las consolas, Valve se ha estado reservando esta carta hasta que la tuviese muy bien pulida y ahora esta disfrutando de todo el exito merecido por darle a los jugadores algo que si quieren, nada de exclusivos ni mierda, solo escuchando a los jugadores y haciendo lo que quieren.
Muchas gracias por leer todo esto.
English Version
Imagen cortesia de steamdeckhq
We've had the Steam Deck for a long time now and it never ceases to amaze me how well it has been taken by the public, before it had already happened that alternative consoles seeking a market next to Xbox, Sony and Nintendo crashed against the costs but apparently Valve has managed to find its space and give some blows to the table.
Some already predict that sales of this first Valve console will reach 3 million units, a success is also the catalog of games that offers up to 10,000 compatible games that are increasing at good rates thanks to the community and testers.
Let's see where it all comes from...
It started as something promising, I saw it and completely believed that Valve with all the money it has could compete by bringing out something similar to what would be a pc gamer but portable, I never expected it to be as viral and successful as it is being.
Imagen cortesia de steamdeckhq
Launched in 2022 the Steam Deck has always had a huge point of attraction since it was announced, there had already been a predecessor to this console and that few of us knew, the so-called Steam Machines that served much as a benchmark for this new model.
The main summary of the Steam Deck is that it is a Switch but much more powerful, it has the specifications of a high-end gamer PC and somehow condenses it to a portable console with enough power to run the latest games and better graphics in an efficient way, this in itself was enough for many.
But it gets even better because the approach that Valve has wanted to take with this console is to give gamers all the possible variants, equipped with a Linux system and its own OS it can even run the Steam store (the biggest on PC) and run a lot of its games.
Imagen cortesia de 9to5toys
The SteamOS (console operating system) has been one of Valve's big darlings, pointing out that with this system users could access a huge library of games on Steam at first, along with a program that thanks to players was going to add new games almost daily based on the experiences and reviews of other players.
Imagen cortesia de PCInvasion
Basically if someone wanted to become a reviewer of a game to see if it would run on the Steam Deck, they could do so without much paperwork, in fact it was the huge community it has cultivated since its launch that has meant that the console today can run over a dozen thousand games available on Steam.
There was also the issue of the flexibility of this operating system, since it was open source, you could modify it at will, install the applications you wanted and even replace it entirely to install another operating system, giving it a sense of customization much higher than other consoles.
Imagen cortesia de Forbes
So we have portability and customization, one would think that coming to the performance issue a console like this would fall by its weight, how is it possible to maintain 60fps and a gaming experience to match with an approach like Steam Deck?
This is where the machinery comes into play.
From the technical side they have their arguments, a collaboration with AMD cover their specialized and dedicated processor, variant of a Rizen 6 (more than enough to cover a lot of top level games) with 16gb of RAM and a graphics card with the capacity of a Radeon RX 6000, their controllers again take inspiration from the Switch with two sticks on the sides but adding both a trackpad and additional triggers on the sides for more opportunities in the controls.
Imagen cortesia de Kotaku
All this technical power, coupled with a large audience and enthusiasts willing to help get more and more games added to the library has given Valve a huge boost in selling its idea of what a console should be.
The Steam Deck is not limited to just Steam games. Techies can also install and run Windows games on the device, which I found at the time to be a bit of an oddity, which further expands their game library. This is especially attractive for those who want to play titles that are not available on Steam but can be enjoyed on Windows platforms (although as I said before, there are games being added almost weekly to the steam deck catalog).
With over 3 million sales since its launch it can be said that Microsoft and Sony have a new rival in town.
Imagen cortesia de Rock Paper Shotgun
One thing most of the media do agree on is that Steam Deck is already part of history and a contender to be reckoned with in the console scene, Valve has been holding back this card until they had it very well polished and now they are enjoying all the success they deserve for giving gamers something they do want, no exclusives or bullshit, just listening to gamers and doing what they want.
Thank you very much for reading all this.
We are moving to using drones as the new killing machines.
We little new our little fingers were being trained for this.
I wanted to get STEAM deck but last time I checked, they're not shipping to my country yet. maybe now they already do cause it's been a while since they're out. This was a nice reminder :D
me dieron ganas de tener una steam deck
I have always been a fan of laptops because they can offer something different than desktop consoles. But in this case Steam Deck, in my view, is nothing more than an extension of the PC, it does not offer any of its own games, far from it. I think a portable console like the 3DS is worth more than the Steam Deck unless you want to take your PC everywhere. I don't know Rick; I have my doubts about this. Thanks for share!