I just finished the first Bioshock (2007) in 2021 and it is still relevant (Review).

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

English version below

Imagen promocional - as.com

Un proyecto artistico y jugable que cambio el genero shooter con su agilidad y estetica unica

No jugué a ningún Bioshock en toda mi vida pero se por mis amigos que es uno de los juegos más revolucionarios del genero de Shooters, decían que su estética tétrica y su historia bordando muchas temáticas filosóficas y políticas lo hacia uno de los primeros juegos “serios” de la por aquella vez recién estrenada nueva consola de Microsoft, la Xbox 360 tenia mucho por recuperar después de su primer asalto con la Playstation de Sony e ideo una estrategia para poder quitarle el trono de una vez, la primera Xbox había tenido lanzamientos grandiosos durante su tiempo de vida pero su secuela (360) quería ser todo un festival de juegos, tanto de desarrolladores independientes como de los juegos denominados AAA, pienso que Bioshock entra en ambas categorías de una forma que aun hoy es difícil de explicar pero no se hace tan extraño pensar como la ciudad utópica de Rapture se hizo con el corazón de muchos de los jugadores en 2007.

Un par de semanas atrás pude instalar en mi tostadora el primer Bioshock, y para ser sincero no le agarre el gusto de inmediato, creo que porque pensaba que era un Shooter en primera persona con una estética diferente, pero este juego subvierte mis expectativas y las va guiando con una jugabilidad cómoda y ágil aun en estos días, unos gráficos que aunque no han envejecido bien se mantienen firmes, y una trama que es sin duda lo que me ha dejado quedarme en el juego queriendo saber más sobre la historia de la ciudad perdida en el mar en donde llegamos por medio de un accidente aéreo en el avión de nuestro protagonista.

Imagen In-Game - as.com

Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo y yo estoy apenas llegando a esa conclusión finalizando la campaña, que este juego redefinió por completo el significado de inmersión en los videojuegos y particularmente para los Shooters, si bien teníamos a Call Of Duty como simulador de guerra mas jugado creo que esa saga de juegos le faltaba lo que a Bioshock le sobra a tan solo 15 minutos de juego: Un lore, una trama que se toma en serio a si misma y no duda en plantear preguntas o ideas complejas al jugador,

las ideas de Rapture y de todos los personajes que la habitan luego de caída son un rompecabezas que pienso recordaba en aquel lejano 2007 que efectivamente había un cambio generacional de consola y un salto gráfico y técnico en los videojuegos, Bioshock no solo tenía todos los recursos por parte de Microsoft 2K, mas importante tenía una mente detrás moviendo los hilos y definiendo la estética: Ken Levine es hasta hoy uno de los creadores más visionarios en la industria del videojuego, viendo el potencial de los mismos para contar historias mas maduras y plasmar un estilo reconocible en cada obra, lo que en el mundo cinematográfico llamaban “Cine de Autor” aquí Levine lo replicaba y buscaba esa Opera prima con un juego que es lo más alejado a la estética habitual de la época, con una jugabilidad ágil y una trama igualmente interesante que nos sumergía.

Pero vayamos a revisar la jugabilidad y es que como dije desde sus inicios en Irrational Games se plantearon hacer de Bioshock un videojuego que permitiera no solo entrar en la fórmula habitual de matar sin más a los enemigos con nuestras armas, si no que querían plantearle un desafío al jugador, de este modo colocaron enemigos resistentes, una inteligencia artificial que podía planificar para atacarnos y que merecía un poco más de astucia para acabar con ellos. Después introdujeron a los plásmidos con la idea de que una pistola no iba a ser suficiente para mantener entretenido al jugador y además nos dieron una nueva mecánica, con la mano derecha disparábamos nuestras armas convencionales, y con la izquierda tendríamos toda una gama de poderes para escoger y más importante aún combinarlos para hacer daño doble con nuestras armas y el escenario.

Imagen In-Game - Youtube

La sensación venia de la mano con el nivel progresivo de dificultad que el juego presentaba en cada uno de sus capítulos pasando de enemigos que tienen simples pistolas o palos a inteligencias artificiales capaces de planificar y usar los plásmidos para hacernos pasar un mal rato y desafiarnos, también el juego tiene un sistema de moral basado en su jugabilidad y es que a medida que avancemos nos toparemos con la droga ADAM a la que la mayoría de la población de Rapture se ha vuelto adicta y es justamente esto lo que nos hará enfrentarnos a los Big Daddy que protegen a unas niñas que “cultivan” esta droga y que para obtenerla deberemos elegir si acabar con ellas o dejarlas ir, cada acción tiene sus consecuencias tanto en la jugabilidad como en la historia.

Yo sin duda la pase genial después de adaptarme al entorno y entender como funciona este juego, es un llamado que se hizo hace una década a desarrollar juegos mas arriesgados y mas adultos, complaciendo a sus jugadores pero siendo retador a la hora de abordar todo, en aquel lejano 2007 Bioshock era un juego que valia la compra de una consola pero hoy sigue siendo tan vigente como parte de la vitrina de uno de los videojuegos mejor desarrollados de la historia, una verdadera pieza de arte para la posteridad que es referenciado incluso hoy con los autores y juegos actuales.


Fuentes adicionales del articulo - Imagen 3, Imagen 4


Promotional image - as.com

An artistic and playable project that changed the shooter genre with its agility and unique aesthetics.

I did not play any Bioshock in my life but I know from my friends that it is one of the most revolutionary games of the shooter genre, they said that its gloomy aesthetics and its story embroidering many philosophical and political themes made it one of the first "serious" games of the then just released new Microsoft console, the Xbox 360 had much to recover after his first assault with Sony Playstation and devised a strategy to take away the throne once and for all, the first Xbox had had great releases during its lifetime but its sequel (360) wanted to be a festival of games, both from independent developers and AAA games, I think Bioshock falls into both categories in a way that even today is difficult to explain but it is not so strange to think how the utopian city of Rapture took the hearts of many gamers in 2007.

A couple of weeks ago I could install in my toaster the first Bioshock, and to be honest I didn't like it right away, I think because I thought it was a first person shooter with a different aesthetic, but this game subverts my expectations and guides them with a comfortable and agile gameplay even in these days, graphics that although they have not aged well remain firm, and a plot that is undoubtedly what has left me stay in the game wanting to know more about the history of the lost city at sea where we get through a plane crash in the plane of our protagonist.

Imagen In-Game - as.com

I think we all agree and I'm just coming to that conclusion by finishing the campaign, that this game completely redefined the meaning of immersion in video games and particularly for shooters, while we had Call Of Duty as the most played war simulator I think that saga of games lacked what Bioshock has plenty of just 15 minutes of gameplay: A lore, a plot that takes itself seriously and does not hesitate to raise questions or complex ideas to the player,

the ideas of Rapture and all the characters that inhabit it after the fall are a puzzle that I think remembered in that distant 2007 that indeed there was a generational change of console and a graphical and technical leap in video games, Bioshock not only had all the resources by Microsoft 2K, but more importantly had a mind behind pulling the strings and defining the aesthetics: Ken Levine is to this day one of the most visionary creators in the video game industry, seeing the potential of them to tell stories more mature and capture a recognizable style in each work, what in the film world called "Author Cinema" here Levine replicated it and sought that Opera prima with a game that is the farthest from the usual aesthetics of the time, with an agile gameplay and an equally interesting plot that immersed us.

But let's go to review the gameplay and is that as I said from the beginning in Irrational Games were raised to make Bioshock a game that would not only enter the usual formula of killing enemies with our weapons, if not they wanted to pose a challenge to the player, thus placed resistant enemies, an artificial intelligence that could plan to attack us and deserved a little more cunning to kill them. Then they introduced plasmids with the idea that a gun was not going to be enough to keep the player entertained and also gave us a new mechanic, with the right hand we would shoot our conventional weapons, and with the left we would have a whole range of powers to choose from and more importantly combine them to do double damage with our weapons and the scenery.

In-Game Image - Youtube

The feeling came hand in hand with the progressive level of difficulty that the game presented in each of its chapters going from enemies that have simple guns or sticks to artificial intelligences capable of planning and using plasmids to give us a hard time and challenge us, also the game has a morality system based on its gameplay and is that as we move forward we will come across the drug ADAM to which most of the population of Rapture has become addicted and it is precisely this that will make us face the Big Daddy who protect some girls who "grow" this drug and that to get it we must choose whether to kill them or let them go, every action has its consequences both in gameplay and in the story.

I certainly had a great time after adapting to the environment and understand how this game works, it is a call that was made a decade ago to develop more risky and more adult games, pleasing their players but being challenging when addressing everything, in that distant 2007 Bioshock was a game that was worth buying a console but today remains as valid as part of the showcase of one of the best developed video games in history, a true piece of art for posterity that is referenced even today with the authors and current games.


Additional article sources - Image 3, Image 4


Bioshock is great. I played it when it first came out on the Xbox 360 and again not to long ago on the PC. I enjoyed every minute of it. The dystopian setting is so unique. It's a world of hope turned hopeless. I started the second one and got pretty far through it but for some reason I never finished it even though I loved it. I should pick that back up sometime soon and also play Bioshock Infinite.

And of course I have to brag:

 4 years ago  

What the hell is that mate, you have a lot of free time or something? Damn, look at you.

I've never played 2, much less Infinite (which I've been told is too good), but this thing of deleting games on my hard drive to install others is something that makes it very difficult for me to play heavy stuff (almost 18 gb, it's too big an amount if you look at the little space I have on my HDD)

This was during the time I was jobless due to Covid. Time was all I had.

It's a shame that your SSD is limiting your gaming experiences. I have the same issue if I'm playing big games at the same time. When I was playing Destiny 2 and WoW it was all I could fit. Had to sacrifice one of them when I wanted to play something else.

I remember this game well it was awesome. There is a 2nd one can't remember if I played it but it was a great game.

 4 years ago  

In total there are 12 Bioshock games if I'm not mistaken, the last one was Infinite (which I would fully recommend and tell us your experience with it, might be a good idea since @pusen hasn't played it yet)

There's only three. It's not Assassin's Creed :P

 4 years ago (edited) 

three, twelve, what's the difference?

nah, apparently the page that mentions 12 Bioshock games lists the remastered versions, dlcs and even the games that were cancelled XD

Oh wow, I did not know it got to 12. That's how long it's been since I've owned a play station. 2007 feels like just yesterday :(

what a great game! i never played any bioshock in my life either hahaha, but i did see some videos thanks to a friend who always played it, i never really played it because i never had a good pc XD but i did see a friend play and play and uf, it was a blast!

 4 years ago  

Bioshock doesn't require so many resources, my problem was when downloading it and not having much space available, I had to make space where I couldn't make space XD.

Someday you will be able to buy a good pc. It's just perseverance and patience, mate.

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El ambiente y el mundo que construyen para contar esa historia es increíble, luego de que te acostumbras a su gameplay es una experiencia demasiado buena. Recomiendo también la secuela, que aunque no tenga una historia que enganche tanto lo compensa con un diseño brutal y un gameplay más pulido.

Bioshock is one of those games that I wish I could experience for the first time again. I knew nothing about the game when I downloaded the demo off the Xbox store. It completely blew my mind and I couldn't wait for it to be released. The full game did not disappoint.

 4 years ago  

Honestly there are so many games that I would like to experience for the first time again:( (Minecraft is one of them, lol).

My internet is not good for downloading demos, so I consider it a waste of time to even try. Your comment makes me more eager to try the rest of the Bioshock games someday