Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
The Near Impossible Race!
So there I was deciding on giving the Goliath another chance! Yes I've completed it many times before but I have never actually won it! Yeahp! The problem is winning it! These guy are gunning it like I am some kind of monster chasing them!
The other problem is the faster car I pick the faster the cars are that they pick! It's a balancing situation so there's no point in grabbing a car that is fast but screw it! I am going with the last car I won!
That is something incredibly wild! Heck probably wayyyy too wild for anything other than racing!
The Mercedez AMG-ONE 2021!
Now this thing is wild! I mean it is really way too wild for anything I've ever seen, to think that this is a street legal car is just blowing my mind in so many ways.
The thing here is that it might be a beast on the streets but can I keep it down on the track and still take the win home? Likely not and that's not looking down onto myself it's more a thing of I know what to expect! A corner taken wrongly... well that can end up in disaster!
Barely In It And Already Last!
Sheesh! I legitly just started the race and literally every racer has surpassed me so far! How insane is that? Way too insane right! The problem is my braking I'm almost certain of that! I hit the brakes way too early because I'm use to lesser cars. This thing has phenomenal braking power and I can legitly hit the brakes a few meters in front of the turn.
The other thing is that it's more of a mess if I hit the brakes too late, then I end up crashing through everything and that takes up even more time to correct!
To my luck the other racers made a critical mistake not far from this corner which allowed me to peak up to 9th place!
After some time I was getting the hang of it, it hasn't paid of yet nor will it probably! But getting the hang of the car is likely the only thing that really matters right?
Besides I think I might have fallen in love with this car! It's a super car that sounds utterly amazing! I'll do a re-record of this once I get home and have those unlimited data to upload with! You just have to hear this beast! And I'll run it on the new PC! Oh it'll be a joy!
Slipping By!
I eventually managed to slip by comfortably past most of the runners in the race! I did not expect this at all and neither do I know how exactly I managed that but I did somehow and somehow managed to get myself into second place at the end of the race!
There was a brief moment where I was in first place but again I made a screw up and I got pulled back a little too far and there just wasn't enough track to recover from that at all! Buggers I say to that! But it gave me the confidence boost I needed to try and run this again! Might be I add a different set of tyres for the race!
Mayhaps that will help me to snatch that victory! Until the next rubber burning session stay good folks!

Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
_Dated _

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