Continuing The Knights Storyline
We are going to kick this chapter off with a bit of snow by the looks of it! I think we are getting deep into viking territory now and it really shows with all off the old statues everywhere, I'm seeing more and more of them.
By the looks of this chapter I think I will be doing some infiltration work into a viking encampment and getting in will prove difficult. What I can say is that the game also becomes more complicated to finish even though I did play all of the chapter on the HARD setting. The fifth chapter felt a lot harder than the first, second, third while fourth and fifth felt almost the same.
(Irrelevant to post but if anyone can recommend some great titles to play I would surely appreciate it. I am looking for something to break away from For Honor for a little while.)
Link to video at bottom of post
Viking Encampment
The entrance to the viking encampment.
Just one of the numerous viking shrines decorating the landscape.
A Striking Opponent
The character I am playing in this chapter of the Knights story is somewhat of a relentless stamina fighter although using stamina up fast she can be real quick and deadly with her blades!
Taking on three opponents at once isn't that much of a struggle for her especially when the opponents starts to drop. She has this blade spin that she does which absolutely hacks up her opponents. Just hard to pull it off sometimes.
To match the speed and agility of my current character I was matched and introduced with a new unit in the game, who is without a doubt equally fast and agile.
First encounter with matching opponent who strange enough is also female.
My character battling three opponents at once.
Sneaky Sneaky And Trapping Some Soldiers
After clearing most if not all of the troops in the surrounding areas outside the walls I only had one thing left to do and that was gaining access into the viking encampment. Going through the front doors didn't look like a option at all, no guards were even visible on the walls so causing a fuzz wouldn't even attract attention to get the gates open.
Near one of the main gates to the encampment.
I was left with little choice but to find other methods of getting inside, luckily for me I found somewhat of a cliff side where I was able to pop down onto what seemed to be a tool shed of some sorts and found my way inside the gates of the encampment.
Already found a way inside and sneaking around.
With little to no troops patrolling inside the walls, blocking most of them inside the main hall proved very easy, I suppose they had a feast going on. Gotta be on your guard in times of war eyy folks!
Mistakes were made!
Trapping the soldiers inside the main hall.
At this point they were trying to get out. Ofcourse to no avail.
First Execution In A Long Time
Laughs Laughs
So this was the first execution I was able to pull of in a very long time, I think the last one I pulled was back in chapter two. So yeah I almost freaked the hell out, I mean checking those bad ass killer moves well it's what makes this game so fun.
If you're keen on checking just that try skipping to around 22 minutes1
Sorry for the grey screen I ran out of stamina and got tired just before I pulled the executioner move.
She got messed up real bad in this one with a knife to the ribs! Ouch that can't be fun!
The start of the executioner move.
The ending of the executioner move.
Ahhh The Beautiful Sights And Some Glorious Destruction
Maybe it's just me but I love to admire the environments in game settings. Especially because game developers really put in a lot of effort to make you feel as if you were really there! Everything from the clothes on your body moving around as you walk around in the game to the sounds you make when stepping on different surfaces. You can only imagine how much effort it must be to integrate all of those things into the game.
A environment setting and sounding really makes the game.
Standing at the highest point enjoying the snowy view.
After enjoying some of the nice views I went on with the quest and caused a lot of needed destruction. Although I don't understand what that gained for the knights in the story line because as far as I can sum things up we basically destroyed a passage way over the cliffs...
Ahh what the hell It's only a game! The more destruction the merrier? I guess?
The destruction of the elevator and high point I just stood on.
Hmmm seems I always have to do these quests on my own, well most of the time 🤣 while these buggers are enjoying a nice warm camp fire! Well the least I can say is that I like the fact that my characters gets switched up from time to time and also the fact that all of the main characters are joined together now... or most of them I think we are missing one bloak but that's fine.
We going to have one hell of a battle at the last chapter!!
To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.
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The graphics of this game are very beautiful and fun. About 4 years ago I downloaded this game and tried it once and my computer was a bit laggy so I didn't have a very good experience. It's also not for everyone because of its very high size.
By the way, there are a lot of great games and gamers in the Hive Gaming community. If you visit their posts and interact with them, they will visit your posts. Please take this advice into consideration. Have a nice day!
Laughs.. Well I don't really have the best gpu as well but it's running the game quite fine... Although I am keen on doing a proper upgrade sometime next year.
Yeah Ive been a little bit busy lately.. Although I do make an effort to cut an hour or two everyday for a post... But you are right I should be collobarating a bit more...
I used to share my gaming content on @curacer but I decided to just focus on one account.. Makes it less of a hassle... I did speak to you once on the other account.. Not sure if you can remember
Well yes I remember. I support that idea which focusing on one account. That makes everything more clear.
Yeah we all know you can write a post in 2 hours and you can read a post and make a comment in 10 minutes at most. That's why you should show that you care about others.
I am also quite a fan of spending time contemplating the landscapes of a game, the number of image captures is usually quite high. A lot of work is dedicated to making the environment, and it is worth enjoying it calmly.
I didn't know about this game, it looks pretty good. Well, I'll wait for the next post. Good luck.
I am literally busy recording it now 🤣.. Might be posting it in an hour or two..
I forgot about this game for a long time!.. Glad I rediscovered it again!..
I think chapter 6 will be the last mission of the knights chapter though... Then its off to the vikings.
Excellent, but I'm already looking for him to vote tomorrow, I've exhausted all my voting power for today.