Orcs Must Die! (A Hard Defence In A Confusing Castle!)

in Hive Gaming3 months ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

As The Story Goes!

After the last great battle Vorwick was never seen again! The rumors were that Master Signus banished Vorwick from the order for unknown reasons. Likely because they didn't agree on that the orcs needed a leader, that much is debatable... They had leaders and they led in a ruthless fashion.

Giving them leaders that were less violent might have helped for a time but animals always return to what is normal for them and violence, destruction and chaos seemed normal for the orcs!

It was highly unlikely that the orcs would remain peacefull if they ever would turn peacefull!


A Hard One To Defend!

The layout of this castle was going to make it incredibly difficult to protect!

More than I first thought it would! I was wrong to assume and think that there was only two ways to the RIFT room when in-fact there were three and I think a fourth leading down to the third path!

Because of that it made it even more difficult to put down defences! But I had a strategy in mind! I only thought of the strategy a little later after I started the round! But it might work as well as it did the previous round where "The Great Battle" was fought!

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Not A Pot Of Gold!

But the orcs sure as hell might think so!

This was a cool discovery for me and the fact that I shot at it was pure luck! But the moment I shot at the pot it fell over and dunked a hot substance... likely lava all over the floor!

Now I could devise some sort of plan with the barricades to lure the orcs through this corner and then well have them all burned up and damaged coming out the other side!

Might be a ingenious idea, if I can pull it off!

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Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (3).gif

It worked to some extent even when luring them into it with my character!

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Realization And Panic!

Somewhere during the fourth round I realized that some of my barricades were blown to dust!

There are these orcs carrying baskets of explosives on their backs and well they seem a tad bit smarter than most of the other orcs! They have one task and one task alone! That is to blow up any defences they encounter!

Which means that this plan I had devised was after all not going to work! It was going to lead me absolutely nowhere!
So I destroyed all of my barricades as the points could be better spent on other defences! Rather not waste those points by losing the barricades than picking them up and placing something else!

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There the buggers are! Oh and trust me they do a phenomenal amount of damage! Yeahp they will try to blow me up before any barricade they might run into!

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Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (4).gif

Strong Defences!

When I drew closer to the last rounds and the last waves of attacks I had quite a strong defence!
However strong didn't mean impenetrable at all! I could still lose if enough of those damned orcs managed to get past and by the end they came quite close!

I did manage to fend them off with a hard fight but I souped up my RIFT room to keep the most of them at bay! I had no choice but to soup up the RIFT room they were teaming in from every door and bulking up the doors didn't do much! So I decided on making my last stand closest to the rift room!!

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Making the stand in the RIFT room!

With not much else to say making my final stand here proved to be the best move I could make! Checkmate to the Orcs!

Until the next attack on one of my castles! Pffff they might never even return!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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