Days Gone: What Lies On The Other Side! (Skizzo's Betrayal!)

in Hive Gaming5 days ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Just Another Day In Days Gone!

Now this seemed quite odd to say the least of this weird situation!

I noticed that this guy was going to jam out on his guitar once again and as I stood there listening things might have gotten a little bundled and awkward! I did not like these two peasants pushing me in between them at all and they just could not stop staring at me!

I decided to remove myself from that environment! Heck who knows what thoughts people have in the chaotic days! Better not stick around to see ey!

The music is always good though!

This was also the first episode where I decided to play around with ClipChamp to make an intro and an exit... it needs some work but for now I am quite happy with it! I should just remember to always use it xD!

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Skizzo's Plan!

Remember the last episode I mentioned something about "Skizzo" wanting me to join him around on his missions? Missions that would cause a great deal of trouble right?
I didn't want to join him on his little rascal adventure because it might start a war with the "Rippers" again!

Well it seems like I just didn't have a choice at all! I had to and he had to pick a night as creepy and eerie as this one didn't he!

Let's go see what the man wants to do harm to tonight and let's try not to start a war this time around! However I have a feeling things are going to get bat shit crazy!

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Always A Bunch!

Now before I crossed over to the other side I decided to wait for all these freakers I stirred up with the rowling sound of my motorcycle!

Yeah because "Skizzo" just had to alert me of this at the dead of night right... Fucking whack bozo! I swear the man is going to get me killed one of these days!

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Of-course The Back Door!

Well I finally met up with "Skizzo" and as things look we might be heading in through the back door.... Yeahp the back door.... On foot... This guy must be the craziest fucker I have ever had the privelage to lay eyes on!

I feel something is going to go wrong and then we will be caught up in ripper territory on foot! We are so screwed if things go side ways! SO SCREWED!

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A Path Through The Mountains!

According to the maps of "Lost Lake" this path is closed off... It would seem it is not as closed off as "Iron Mike" would think it is...

Now I wonder how "Skizzo" found out about this? Must be he has been through here before?

Well I gave "Skizzo" a boost up the ledge to see if there is something.. anything he can get to assist me over the ledge with! That was a mistake!

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Of-course "Skizzo" would leave me all alone to fight off the howling wolves! Dang at-least they weren't freaker wolves right!

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Crossing The Line

Once we went over that ledge we were in "Ripper" Territory! Not a good place to be at all!
If they caught us here now we'd be as good as dead... might be they would turn us into freakers!

Now as we crossed into their territory we noticed that they were busy with some kind of ritual! Some weird cracking stuff going on, on this side of the world!
"Deacon" wanted to stay and see what the heck these things were doing to themselves and what they have to go through!

I would not have chosen that!

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To Tell It Plain... They're Animals!

I suppose it's not for me to judge right? But dang these people are animals! I always thought they still had some humanity left but it is clear that they don't... Not at all!

This would make me even more determined to hunt and kill every last one I find! Only now I can relate to why "Deacon" wants nothing more than to kill all of them!

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Schetchy At This Point!

By now "Deacon" was getting a little suspicious of "Skizzo" asking him if he knew where he was going...

Funny thing is "Deacon" also knew this territory from before everything went to shit!

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Taking Its Toll!

As they moved on they came across a band of "Rippers" that was busy hanging up a woman that they planned on leaving for the "Freakers" to chow on...

This didn't sit well with "Deacon" as he wanted to save her and take her back to "Lost Lake" however when they cut her loose they noticed that her legs were broken and there was no way of saving her because the "Rippers" called on "Freakers" with a horn and time was of the essence!

"Deacon" had no choice but to do the unthinkable and it's very clear that it is starting to take its toll on him! Heck it would with anyone!

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Almost There!

We were getting closer and closer to where we might find the detonation cords for the TNT we found what feels like ages ago!

Heck I'm glad I packed in some of those silencers... otherwise I might have alerted every "Ripper" in this territory to our location!

Just take a long good look at this dried up sack of meat! Well more like sack of skin and bone!

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What Lies On The Other Side!

Not exactly something I would do but more like something that has to be done, right?
A great bunch of those "Freaker Kids" chilling inside this warehouse! I wonder why the "Rippers" have never cleared them out before?

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They are quite easy to kill if you can manage to land your shots on the target! That much is certain! At the very least they don't normally attack back!

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The Rat Skizzo!

I should have known I just should have known "Skizzo" would pull something like this! Especially after seeing his attitude after me and "Rikki" got the electricity running back to "Lost Lake!"

What a rat bastard!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


Of course he had to take you with him... Those cold nights... Even I got chills when I am reading.

I knew something bad will come out of this. Yeah, it is bad. I hope next time somethings will be better.

Of-course he had to right 🤣🤣 he just wanted to betray me at the end but that is fineeeee

The next episode I'll have to worm my way out of their nest! It wont be easy at all!!!

I always believed Skizzo would betray Deacon at some point and here you go. Do you remember retrieving some dynamites from a mine site? Skizzo said two of his men died there and he set fire to the bodies when they got there. I believe the didn't die for nothing, I mean Skizzo probably killed them.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(10/10) tipped @technicalside