Well Hello There Gamers And Hivers!
In the last episode of Days Gone Deacon had some major battles to overcome both physically and mentally and he wasn't prepared for either of them! First he had to kill this huge mutated freaker, I guess those NERO scientists weren't just making these things up the freakers are really growing stronger and tougher and that in turn makes them harder to kill! A lot harder if you ask me!
As if that wasn't enough on his plate already! Rikki came to get him because they needed his help with Boozer and he was more than happy to help, that was until he saw what they wanted to do... Or what they had to do! Boozer lost his arm and Deacon feels somewhat guilty about that. Now the worst part is that he hasn't seen Boozer since he lost the arm.
That is taking its toll on Deacon!
Helping Those In Need!
I had to get to Camp Lost Lake to meet up with Rikki regarding a job she had available for me, on my way to Lost Lake I decided to make a pit stop at Copeland's Camp to stack up on fuel and do the necessary repairs on the motorcycle.
I didn't stay long and decided to jump back on the road because it was a hefty ride, when I noticed some people being held up by gun point, at first this seemed weird because it was so close to Copeland's Camp it didn't make sense! They are getting brave if you ask me!
Needless to say as fast as they came rushing down on me they fell even faster and I got to save two lives in the process, or one I really ain't sure at all!
While crossing the map over to Lost Lake I decided to make a stop at some abandoned cabin in the mountains to check if something of value might have been left behind. There was! The absolutely breathtaking views!
Just take a moment to enjoy the ambience of this game! I wonder how it must look on maxed out graphics!
I Don't Like The Look Of This.
Rikki sent me out into the wilderness to track a guy named Riley Red.
If I found this bastard I was to execute him without hesitation, now I don't have any troubles doing that especially not after what he has done and what filthy habits the degenerate has! Killing him would be the easy part, it's finding him that's the problem.
Now here's the catch, the more rounds I fire so close to the horde's nest, the more of them are bound to stray towards the camp I need to clear!
I slowly worked my way through Pioneer camp and it was a battle and a half!
I didn't have just raiders to deal with since there was freakers in the area as well and they were hungry for us! It was more of a confusion than anything else, needing to search for who I'm looking for all the while needing to keep an eye on both the living and the dead! It got real intense real fast!
At some point I thought that the raiders would never stop pouring in, as soon as I've killed the one group the next is already in the camp with their motorcycles!
At some point I had to resort to barbarism!
I had no choice, they kept on coming and I'm not one to throw down the weapons and raise my arms into the air! No no, I'd rather be torn apart alive!
I grabbed a hatchet and started swinging it around like my life depended on it (It bloody well did!) I have to give it to some of these fuckers, they were soaking up those hatchet hits real hard!
I Didn't Find Him, He Found Me!
The degenerate found me!
He almost managed to kill me as well! But I was just a little too fast for the scum!
I riddled him with more bullets than he's worth! I should have rather chained him up and let the freakers feast on him. That won't even make up for all the wrong he's done to people!
That's one less low life to worry about!
In truth I really thought there would be more to this story than just this. I had this idea that this story might have been connected to Lisa's but it wasn't.
I still need to find Lisa but I've run out of clues and places to look, I really hope she's still out there somewhere! Alive!
The Lost Horde!
See I just knew it!
I knew there would be a horde that would come creeping and crawling out of that cave once the shots went down!
I am so glad I didn't have to deal with this while hunting down Red Riley. It might just have gone south very fast for me since I did run out of bullets at one point! Fortunately I managed to escape this time!
Really keen on wiping out one of these real soon! Might need some proper explosions though!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
Dated 13/10/2023

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive
Greetings friend, I have seen several gameplays of this game and several have recommended it to me and I still don't dare to play it, will it be available for the phone? I also liked the way they managed to develop that great story and take it to the next level with each of them. aspects of it, it is also incredible the number of missions that come out and in this way spend a couple of hours playing. Excellent gameplay and the moves you make are incredible.