TST Partner Post: CopperPitch - Meta Monday feat. themudman! Plus, TSTuesday Highlights, and the Pods Unchained Premiere!

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

What an action-packed week for TeamStreamTeam and our newest Content Creator Partnership Program participant, CopperPitch!

First up, we have this week's Meta Monday, a weekly installment on CopperPitch's YouTube channel that covers a different deck each week with in-depth analysis and accompanying gameplay! This week, he had TST's very own themudman on the show to cover Soul Burn Death Zoo! Check out the video below, with a deck primer written by themudman himself!


This weeks Meta Monday is featuring Burn Zoo. This deck is highly aggressive, winning most games between turns 5 to 7. Burn Zoo utilizes the 15 or less health cards Death has access to. Cards like Deathwish Thanetar, Possessed Acolyte, and Cruel Overseer create overwhelming board states, and completely steamroll the opponent. The key to this deck is getting to 15 or less health as quickly as possible, so you can swing the game state with the aforementioned “15 or less health” cards. The best way to do that is by using the Soul Burn god power in the early game, and playing relatively passively. That being said, if you can play an Expectant Chicken on turn 1, and follow it up with a Daemonic Offering on turn 2, or a Pyramid Warden into Living Container combo, go for it.

Standout Plays and Cards

All the "15 or less health cards" are extremely powerful. I tend to have 15 or less health by turn 4 to 6, so those cards become active fairly early. Those cards cost between 0 to 3 mana, which means they can be paired with Daemonic Offering or Living Container for even more explosive power. An example of one of these power plays that happens quite often on 5 mana is: Possessed Acolyte into Daemonic Offering, and 1 or 2 Deathwish Thanetars. In that scenario, for 5 mana you played a 6/6, two random Anims, and one or two 4/4s for a total of 14/14 to 20/20 stats in one turn. Undead Chimera is another outstanding card in this deck’s arsenal. Not only does this creature help get you to 15 or less health with its symmetrical damage effect, it also deals an immense amount of damage to your opponent. No matter what, it always deals at least 2 damage to your opponent, and if it gets to attack your opponent once, it deals 7 damage, then 12 and so on. Undead Chimera is also incredibly useful for trading. This card can value trade with cards like Black Jaguars or Highborn Knights and still deal damage to your opponent. Essentially, this deck is fast paced, and really fun! I mean come on.. who doesn’t like burning their opponent’s face and exploding on to the board with heaps of stats?!

In addition to his lovely work with themudman, CopperPitch also teamed up with TST's very own cautionfun to launch the first-ever Gods Unchained podcast, appropriately titled "Pods Unchained".

Every week, Caution and Copper will be covering all things related to Gods Unchained, NFTs, and the blockchain space with their patented wit and numerous opinions! Check it out and give it a listen on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to follow the official Pods Unchained Twitter to stay up to date on the latest episodes!

And last, but certainly not least, we have the weekly TSTuesday Highlight Reel featuring all of the best games and craziest plays from our knockout lineup of TSTuesday streamers! Be sure to check out the TeamStreamTeam YouTube page for these weekly uploads, and don't forget to like & subscribe so you don't miss any top-quality Gods Unchained content!

This post is presented as part of the TeamStreamTeam Content Creator Partnership Program, bringing top-quality Gods Unchained content to the HIVE community from our wonderful community of content creators!

Come join the TST discord server at https://discord.gg/Pc66ajkMPv. If you’re looking for game tips, want to theory-craft and brew up some new player-friendly deck lists, or just want to hang out with a wonderful group of experienced players and streamers, please feel free to stop by!

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For more top-quality Gods Unchained content visit us at teamstreamteam.com!


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