Saludos cordiales hivers, espero que hayan tenido una excelente semana, les escribe el mismo de siempre por el mismo perfil, esta vez quiero continuar con mi gameplay de Yu-Gi-Oh! de PS1, en el cual no sólo me enfrento a nuevos adversarios, sino que el nivel de dificultad aumenta de manera muy repentina, de hecho, hasta me terminó pareciendo un poco ilógico, aunque no del todo, pero igual, recuerdo que en “tiempos antiguos” me hubiese costado demasiado superar ciertos contrincantes, en cierta manera no me sabía mucho las combinaciones de las cartas, por ende tenía dificultad para vencer a algunos personajes, y pesar de que soy casi un maestro en estos momentos, igual pasó algo que me hizo pensar que el juego no aumenta el nivel de dificultad tan pausadamente, de hecho, incluso en el duelo que sigue al duelo donde perdí 2 veces me resultó más fácil ganar.
Best regards hivers, I hope you have had an excellent week, the same guy as always writes to you from the same profile, this time I want to continue with my gameplay of Yu-Gi-Oh! of PS1, in which I not only face new adversaries, but the level of difficulty increases very suddenly, in fact, it even ended up seeming a bit illogical to me, although not completely, but still, I remember that in "times ancients" it would have been too difficult for me to overcome certain opponents, in a certain way I did not know much about the combinations of the cards, therefore I had difficulty defeating some characters, and despite the fact that I am almost a master at the moment, something happened that It made me think that the game does not increase the difficulty level so slowly, in fact, even in the duel that followed the duel when I lost 2 times, it was easier for me to win.

The gifs in this post were made and edited by me taken directly from the gameplay video.

No sé si se han fijado, pero la mayoría de los personajes que aparecen el juego son canon, con excepción de algunos doppelgangers, básicamente es como si dijeran que la historia se repite o algo así, en fin, cada quien tiene su antepasado, ni idea de si en el anime es igual, sólo sé que Yugi y Kaiba sí tienen asuntos ancestrales sin resolver, de el resto de los personajes la verdad no sé porque nunca me animé a ver el anime por internet, cuando solían pasar el anime por televisión me perdía varios episodios, aveces veía un duelo empezar y a los dos días que recordaba que el anime existía veía al duelo siguiente terminar sin saber que pasó con el duelo anterior xd, lo mismo me pasó con Freezer y el planetas explotando durante 5 minutos supuestamente jaja.
I don't know if you have noticed, but most of the characters that appear in the game are canon, with the exception of some doppelgangers, basically it's as if they said that history repeats itself or something like that, well, everyone has their ancestors, or I have no idea if it's the same in the anime, I only know that Yugi and Kaiba do have unresolved ancestral issues, I really don't know about the rest of the characters because I never dared to watch the anime online, when they used to show the anime on television I lost several episodes, sometimes I saw a duel start and after two days I remembered that the anime existed I saw the next duel end without knowing what happened to the previous duel xd, the same thing happened to me with Frieza and the planets exploding for 5 minutes supposedly haha.
En fin, dejando eso de lado, en esta ocasión me topé con un contrincante canon de la serie que me resultó un poco difícil de derrotar, puesto que me sacó una carta muy poderosa desde el primer turno jaja, pude haber tenido alguna esperanza, pero mi confianza en el “corazón de las cartas” no fue suficiente xd, definitivamente no se alinearon como hubiese querido, sé que el mazo que me armé me puede ayudar bastante incluso mucho más adelante con oponentes que tienen cartas más poderosas, pero esta vez me agarró por sorpresa la carta de “Zoa”, es un fastidio y en parte una ventaja también porque acá no se cumplen las reglas de invocación normales, ojalah también tuviera al Zoa y al Dragon Blanco de Ojos Azules y al Mago Oscuro y todos esos monstruos hiperpoderosos.
Anyway, leaving that aside, this time I ran into a canon opponent from the series that I found a bit difficult to defeat, since he put a very powerful card from me from the first turn haha, I could have had some hope, but my confidence in the "heart of the cards" was not enough xd, they definitely did not line up as I would have wanted, I know that the deck I put together can help me a lot even much later with opponents who have more powerful cards, but this time I he took the "Zoa" card by surprise, it's a nuisance and partly an advantage also because the normal summoning rules are not followed here, I wish he also had Zoa and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Dark Magician and all those monsters hyperpowerful.
Tendré que seguir jugando para poder desbloquear cartas más poderosas, lo único que me va a doler es gastar las estrellas, pero es lo mejor que puedo hacer, será tedioso, pero de una u otra manera debo derrotar a Heishin, supongo que de esa forma los desarrolladores se aseguraron de que los jugadores tuvieran horas y horas de juego, es injusto, pero al menos el juego no se acaba tan rápido, aunque lo hace jodidamente repetitivo, digamos que es un mal necesario xd, lo que sí no es mal necesario y que al contrario es un bien muy necesario es dejar tu delicioso voto en este post y comentar que tal te pareció el gameplay, que observaciones tienes o si tienes alguna anécdota en particular con el juego, yo mientras tanto me despido deseando que tengan una excelente semana, @sutkyo les dice adiós.
I'll have to keep playing to be able to unlock more powerful cards, the only thing that's going to hurt is spending the stars, but it's the best I can do, it will be tedious, but one way or another I have to defeat Heishin, I guess that way the devs made sure players got hours and hours of gameplay, it's unfair, but at least the game doesn't get over so fast, it does make it fucking repetitive though, let's say it's a necessary evil xD, which is not a necessary evil and on the contrary, it is a very necessary good to leave your delicious vote in this post and comment on how you liked the gameplay, what observations you have or if you have any particular anecdote with the game, meanwhile I say goodbye wishing you have an excellent week, @sutkyo says goodbye to you.

At the time it was one of the anime I loved most, I didn't know they had made a PS1 game. Nice article!
Yes friend, there is a ps1 game and it is pretty decent for being so old, in fact, not only is it based on the very first edition, but unlike other versions, it maintains the essence of the traditional duel of monsters, with the only exception that polymerization is useless and to summon more powerful monsters you must combine the weak monsters you have and without the help of polymerization itself, you save a lot of protocol with the cards, plus there are no effects and the magic / trap cards It fulfills a single and simple function, times were simpler xd, although the level of difficulty was also outrageous if you didn't know how to combine cards.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting 💖.
Perfect I think I will try it. Thank you for the information and advice. 😀