[Straw Plays] Black Myth: Wukong - Part Four (Black Bear Battle)

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

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Making crazy progress in this game today. I wasn't expecting to do so well and actually in the previous videos I would cut out a bunch of tries on the bosses as to not make these videos too long and full of failures. Today I didn't have to do that at all though and I managed to defeat the bosses on one or two tries each time.

Turns out that was only chapter one though and I expect things to get a lot crazier and more difficult from now on. I've got new gear and some new spells as well so it's getting more and more exciting. This game is so much better than I expected and I am having so much fun with it.

I hope you're enjoying this let's play series and I hope I'll see you next time when we really get started with the second chapter. See you guys then!



the bosses are starting to look insane :D

Sorry for the late reply. The bosses are looking crazier yea haha. Hoping for some really cool ones now in chapter 2.

Damn! Very good gameplay with pretty cool graphics. I've watched for almost 30 minutes and your skill is to be admired, at times you have very good reflexes when dodging attacks, but also the bosses sometimes give you your good hits. I hope you continue to enjoy your adventure, good luck bro!

Sorry for the late reply. Glad you enjoyed the gameplay. I am getting the hang of the dodging for sure. Thanks bro!

Don't worry, it's not a problem... Good luck in your adventure bro, I hope you feel well.

Your dodge skills are impressive!

awesome - would really like to play this sometime , just working through current backlog...