The thing is that you may be able to get there quicker if you can get some packs with the right cards. A few thousand extra fans will speed it up. I tend to spend what I earn, so never make the 'rich list'.
Have a !BEER
The thing is that you may be able to get there quicker if you can get some packs with the right cards. A few thousand extra fans will speed it up. I tend to spend what I earn, so never make the 'rich list'.
Have a !BEER
I know ;) it's two different strageties, buying packs and beeing lucky, or staking and beeing patient ;) The scond path might be longer, but garanteed ;)
Or you can just buy a million Starbits for about 500 Hive :) That assumes someone is selling.
Can't afford it atm ;) and the sell wall is not big enough anyways.