Dcrops Summer Season 1 2025. Much updates to share.

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello again family, I'm back with another update. This season was probably the most fruitful season i have ever experienced on DCROPS. It all started with me finally crossing the threshold of being able to do the daily spin. That inspired me because it was the first time i was able to earn a noticeable amount on my daily holdings reward. The reward is paid out Every morning around 930AM EST and is based on your crop holdings and other asset holdings. Once i learning about stacking crop as a way of earning more of the daily pool i began acquiring as much hive as i could seeking to grow my position on the board.

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As you can see my crop power increased significantly from under 20K crop to over 170K crop Power.
One thing to note is that you dont get your power all at once, it is a 15 day average of all of your assets, and in increases incrementally. That said i was able to slowly grow my Crop power over these last 14 days. Happy to report that I am now one of the top 85 NFT Farmers in the world. (Not bad if you asked me). Ultimate goal will be to get to top ten in 2025. Stretch goal is top 3.

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Part of the other way to "earn" on Dcrops is to complete your seasonal quests. I completed mine in about 7 days, but i didnt open it until i have capped out my reward chests size. You start with 10, but you get another 1 for every 15K crop power you have. Seeing that my crop power grew by over 150K i was able to add 10 extra items to my reward chest. Maybe one of the biggest jumps in crops History. #KIDDING

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Typically i save my rewards chests to get more crop power, but i was excited by the number of items and eager to see the product distribution so i think i saved my rewards chest for about 1 minute. Then i excitedly opened it.

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I love that they identify the rewards chest with the Season number. It gives you a sense of longevity, when looking at these chests as assets.

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WOW what a haul. 1 wood, 1 iron ore, 5 salts, 3 peppers, 4 STONES, and 4 ferti plus. These all have a value that i would normally have to pay to have them in my possession. I need these assets to either cook, of mix new recipes. These are like gold to me.

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I got busy right away crafting stone slabs, and i decided to look at what equipment i want to build next based on how close i am with the commodities that are needed. My next endeavor is to commission a Microwave so i can make certain products that sell for more shares to be burned. I also went and acquired more copper to take advantage of my furnace capacity, and build copper now, rather than wait til i need it. SO i have to charcoals and 2 coppers, and 1 stone being constructed.

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Lastly I wanted to show off my new Jam recepies. Meet Mango and Raspberry. They're a new staple in my virtual cupboard that will being much joy to me as i share them back with the community. If you ever get into a situation and you need JAM, you know where to find me.

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Overall i'm excited about the next season, about my growth, and about this blog finding someone new to hive, and looking for a way to have fun while they grow their assets. Look no further than this Dcrops community.

See you soon,



I just started with dcrops, still a noob. Hope I can catch-up, but seems like things are likely to be very slow from the start. :)

It’s a journey, a marathon now a race.
Get used to being in waiting mode, it is farming btw.