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RE: My Video Game Memories

in Hive Gaming5 years ago

Personally, in my childhood, I also did not have a game console. My friend had a prefix Dandy and Sega. Our favorite game was also Super Mario, tanks (what you have in the photo), and also a game where you had to shoot ducks. It was fun. And most of all I remembered the electronic game "Wolf and Eggs" looking for my childhood. I hope you know what this game is.


Hmm not sure about wolf and eggs, can you find a screenshot of it maybe I can then remember :D

also nice to see you and your husband back active, welcome!

this is one of the first popular Soviet games! The game began to be released in 1984. I'm not sure if this game was in your country. But this game was great. Every fly dreamed of having this device.Nupogodi.jpg