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Today we are diving into fortnight and explaining what this is. So this article is intended for people that already play and also useful to share with friends and family that have no idea what fortnight is. In a nutshell, fortnight is a third-person shooter video game available on all consoles including mobile versions. Fortnight was developed by Epic games , and the company people can fly and was released in late 2017.
On the story level you play as a survivor in a zombie like apocalypse and you must gather resources and build forts alongside other players.
This forts building mechanic is really what makes this game unique with the ability to build and destroy most things in the game world. This allows for creativity including building massive ramps and ladders to cross the entire map of the game.
You can also straight up fight these zombies called husks in the game by collecting weapons and armor in the game.
Watch out for my next post about fortnight.