The Door into Winner / ニャつへの扉

in Hive Gaming4 months ago


My cat, Meowth, always starts looking for the door to a reversal when he is about to lose.


There is no such thing.


When you're about to lose, you look for cards to turn the tables, but even with very strong cards, that's impossible. If you get into a situation where you're looking for an upset, you've already lost, right?


Although. If you just barely lose, Pokemon is a game in which you can turn things around! Pokemon is a game where you can turn things around, but only if you can just barely lose. Because you toss a coin. If your opponent's attack does 0 damage, you can turn the game around! You can turn the tables on your opponent.


But that is really luck, so I recommend making a deck that is properly stable. My recommendation is the Pikachu ex deck. This is the type of deck that attacks the fastest and defeats the opponent before he or she can get ready to attack.


Deck composition is... Well, Google it. I'm sure you'll find a bunch of them, right? Especially since PokemonTCGPocket still has a small total card count, you'll find a pile of similar ones.



What's your point then? Well, I'd like to talk a little bit about deck compression, which I wrote about in a previous article.


A super simple explanation of deck compression is to reduce the number of cards in the deck to increase the probability of drawing the cards you want to draw.


For example, let's say you have a 20-card deck with only one very strong card in it. If the card is so broken that you can only win if you draw it! If you draw this card, you win!


If you play normally without thinking.
For example, the probability of drawing a broken card on the first turn is 1/15. And if you play Pikachu from your hand on the first turn and end the game, the probability of drawing a broken card on the next turn is 1/14.


However, with deck compression.
The first turn is still 1/15 because you draw first. However, if you use a Poke Ball to draw a Tane Pokémon on the first turn, your deck becomes 13 cards. Furthermore, if you draw 2 card by using “Professor's Research,” your deck becomes 11. If you end the game in this state, the probability of drawing a broken card on the second turn becomes 1/11.

1ターン目は最初に引くので1/15となるのは変わりません。しかし、1ターン目にモンスターボールを使ってたねポケモンを引くと山札は13枚になります。さらに、博士の研究 を使って2枚引くと山札は11枚になります。この状態で終了すると、2ターン目に壊れカードが引ける確率が1/11になります。

In other words, the deck compression theory is to reduce the deck and increase the probability of drawing the cards you need.


Of course. It would be great if we could draw cards by direct search, though it would be better if such cards were available.



I've written all this and I don't need to be told that, but I do it normally, you know? You must think so. Yes, it is. There aren't many cards in the current PokemonTCGPocket that can be used for compression, and most of them are in a normal deck.


Poke Ball and Professor's Research are in most decks. But there are other ways to draw cards, so you might want to keep them in mind?

モンスターボール と 博士の研究 は大体のデッキに入ってます。でも、それ以外にもカードを引く方法があるので一応頭の片隅に置いておくといいかもしれないですよ?


Meowth is very convenient because it draws cards with one energy. It is very powerful because the more you draw, the less cards you have in your deck. However, due to the Pokémon Card Battle system, it cannot attack. This is very annoying.



Caterpie can draw Grass Pokémon directly, which seems very useful if the key card is a Grass Pokémon. But it can't attack either.


Meowth and Caterpie are very good draw cards that can be used many times, but the big problem is that they throw away the chance to do damage instead. Especially in the case of PokemonTCGPocket, it is often a fatal situation if you are one turn late because it develops so fast. So it's hard to use!


Deck compression is not talked about much because there are not many cards that can draw yet, but if cards that bring specific cards from the deck like Poke Ball are added in the future, it could be an interesting thing to do.


However, the tempo of battles is so fast that deck compression may actually become unnecessary. Energy cards are not included in the deck, and you can get 1 energy card every turn without fail.


I see, that's the bigger impact. Energy cards are separated from the deck. So, you can say, “There is not enough energy!” or “I only have energy! There is no such situation. In this respect, the element of luck is reduced and technique comes into play. I will have to study it.
