Do bloggers dream of electric rats? / ブロガーは電気ネズミの夢を見るか?

in Hive Gaming4 months ago


Have you ever played the Pokemon card game? I played a bit of it once upon a time. Now I only remember that Lizardon was so sparkly.


Now that card game has become a smartphone app. I don't think trading card games and smartphone apps are a bad match. It seems like collectible games have been popular since the days of mobile apps once upon a time.


This is such a story about Pokemon TCG Poket. I don't know if there is a demand for it, but if you are interested, please read it.

そんな Pokemon TCG Poket のお話です。需要があるかはわからないけど、興味があれば読んでください。

The Pokémon card game has been ported from a real card game to a smartphone app? The Pokémon card game has been changed boldly in the process of porting it from a real card game to a smartphone app.


Damage of weak attribute is changed from 2 times to +20.


Victory condition is 3 points after defeating the enemy, regardless of the side.


The number of decks was changed from 40 to 20.


Double the damage from a weak attribute is too much of a quandary. Why is it still 2x for the original? The deck compatibility is too big.


It's like they changed the victory conditions for the smartphone app? It's easy to understand.


And what I find most interesting is that the deck is now 20 cards. This is pretty big. The number of decks is very important, you know? You can draw the cards you need or you can't draw the cards you don't need. Well, the number of cards with the same name has been reduced from 4 to 2, so is it the same?
You think so, don't you? It's not quite the same. In terms of deck compression theory, it is very different.
Well, this is just my personal opinion, so I'll skip that part.


Anyway, it seems that the game has been modified to be smooth and quick. That's right, you don't want to spend enough time battling. It's a smartphone.



Well, for now, let's see how the battle goes.



The starting point is like this - you start with a Basic Pokémon. By the way, there is no mulligan. It seems that you can draw a Basic Pokémon.


Then, you attach Energy to the Pokémon, use a Trainer Card, and finally, the Pokémon on the battlefield attacks to end your turn.
If you defeat an ex-Pokémon, you get +2 points, and a normal Pokémon gets +1 point.



And the battle is going on, and the Marowak ex is trying to escape after getting hit by my Pikachu ex. I already beat one of them, so if I beat this one, I could win the battle!


In the end, I switched to a reserve Farfetch'd, and my Pikachu ex went down after being shivved by Farfetch'd's leek. 😱
Well, after that, Pikachu ex II blitzed him into a duck pot!



And after that, here is the scene where the Marowak ex came forward again. The winning points are 2 for my opponent and 1 for me.


From here, it's a coin game. The Marowak ex technique involves tossing two coins and dealing 80 damage times the number of coins that turn up. If both coins are heads, I lose.



The result was one coin face up! I win! 😍
And, well, this is how the game is played.



This time we played PvP, but if you are not good at PvP, you can also battle against the computer. You can also collect cards through event quests, so you can enjoy just collecting cards from packs that are given to you every 12 hours without having to fight.


If you are interested, search for pokemontcgpocket in the app store. 😘

今後もいろいろイベントや新パックのの追加があるだろうし興味があればアプリストアで pokemontcgpocket を検索するよろし。😘

 4 months ago  

I've been trying the game recently myself - at first I thought I was really lucky to get a full art from each of the three booster packs (Charizard, Pikachu, Mewtwo) but then playing with a friend taught me how I still need to stack all the right cards just to get a deck with synergy that can use those well.

...And not get a poor hand early enough lol

Might see if I do a post of this game myself sooner or later, but for now, it's neat to see someone else talk about it here!

Luck to draw good cards is important. And the deck composition that increases that probability is even more important.
Thanks for reading.

😅 Haha, nice variation of the old Philipp K. Dick story, your title. Was that intended?

Yes, I got it from the title of that novel. I like that title because it is cool.

👍🏻 It is!

 4 months ago  

I got a Pikachu ex today. I haven't been battling so much though, just collecting free packs.

I think you will enjoy just collecting cards. I think you don't have to force yourself to battle.😉