Hey Guys
I hope you're having an awesome 4th of July. There's this popular game called Only Up and I've seen a few known content creators playing it. Ranging from Ninja to Dr. Disrespect. So when I logged on to Fortnite the other day, I saw that there was a Fortnite version of that game. It was made in the UEFN (Unreal Engine Fortnite) editor. It actually took me a few days to beat it because of how challenging it was. One false mistake and you're pretty much plummeting down to your death, leaving you with grief, sorrow, and rage (Lmao). And then you have to start all over again.

I like to also mention that this map currently has 100 thousand people playing this. This is truly remarkable, and another thing, the map is actually generating money. I heard that it made between 3 to 4 million dollars last month. Imagine making that much money in a month, crazy. If you're a creator and you play Fortnite, I suggest you start creating compelling maps on the program. Who knows, maybe you'll make life changing money. 😃
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That's one of the most enjoyable videos I've seen in a while, man. If it was me I'd have died 1000 times and it would have been so frustrating. Especially I don't remember what season it was, but when you emote someone and the guy falls into the lava and I was so upset. It must be deathly boring to start all over again. Especially when you've come so far.
I have fell many times playing only up. lol
I'm sure you did because you were playing like you memorized the map 😂
It's so cool that they added this new game mode builder thing to Fortnite. Looks really fun.