Questing In The Stonetalon Mountains - (The Life of Skruk)

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

It's time to head into a new zone in Hardcore World of Warcraft. Stonetalen Mountains is a zone I could probably have headed to a while ago but I ended up finishing most of the Barrens and Silverpine Forest first. Enemies here will be a little underleverer for me. That means I'll be getting a little less experience than I normally would but at least I'll be safe.


Spiders and goblins

The quests in Stonetalon Mountains are pretty straightforward. Kill this, pick up that, go talk to this person. They're not hard but they are quite time consuming as there's a lot of running between locations. I almost felt like I spent more time traveling than I actually did killing enemies in this zone. That could also be because enemies were quite a few levels below me so I ended up killing them really fast.

My favorite quests in this zone are the ones involving the Venture Co. faction. This is an NPC faction hellbelt on the destruction of forests and wildlife for their own monetary gain. I'm no idealist myself but these quests requires you to take on a fair amount of enemies that have quite a high density, meaning for a high risk and high rewards situation. Lots of experience and good loot due to the enemies mostly being humanoids.


The biggest thrill I got was from doing the quest Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle. This requires me to go up on a scaffolding high in the air to take down a boss. The enemies here are a few levels above the rest and the boss itself is at level 27. It's not to bad since he's not an elite but any enemy that's higher level than yourself is a risk in Hardcore World of Warcraft. The chance of enemies landing deadly crushing blows on you increase a lot when fighting higher level enemies.

This scaffolding location is also one I've seen several times in Hardcore World of Warcraft death compilation videos due to people falling to their deaths. My tactic was simple. Take it slow, don't panic and vanish if you have to. I was able to slowly take out enemies one by one before I got to the boss. A few cooldowns later and a bandage for safety and he's dead. Quest complete.


My venture into the Stonetalon Mountains took me up to level 25. I'm gonna head to the Southern Barrens to finish up the zone before heading into the thick forest of Ashenvale. That should take me up a few levels so that I can safely come back and finish the higher level quests in the Stonetalon Mountains.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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what server u playing on? maybe i should give it a try when I have some more free time

I'm on the new anniversary realm, Soulseeker on EU. Quite a good population on there now.

 2 months ago  

Que viejos recuerdos me trae este juego cuando me tocaba ir a un café a jugar woo.

The time consuming quest are the most difficult.