With great danger comes great reward. At least sometimes it does, and this time that turned out to be quite true. Ragefire Chasm is the first dungeon Horde players can do in World of Warcraft, and dungeons has the potential to be the most dangerous content in the game. You'd think one would stay away from dangers like this in a hardcore game mode, but no. We take the risk and we reap the rewards.
Risk for reward
In my last post I mentioned I was heading to Silverpine Forest to get some questing done. Well, I did but I only stayed there for a short while until I hit level 15. That's the minimum recommended level for doing the Ragefire Chasm dungeon and I didn't want to waste any time before doing it. The rewards you get from this dungeon, both from drops and quests, are so good at low level that they'll make questing that much easier for you. Well worth the risk of dying.
I was able to get into a group fairly easily by listing myself through the new Looking For Group tool they introduced to Classic with these new servers. It doesn't work like the modern LFG tool where it auto forms groups for you and teleports you to the dungeon, but rather you list yourself or your group and you can invite others from there. It's basic but it works.
Once in the dungeon we didn't really have any problems. The group, both the tank, healer and DPS, seemed quite experienced. I guess you can expect more serious and experienced players when playing on hardcore mode. The mage used Polymorph to sheep enemies so we never fought more than one or two enemies at a time. The bosses don't really have any mechanics tied to them so they went down fairly easily. In and out. Quick 30 minute adventure.
The fun part comes from handing in all the quests. I had to run around to all three of the Horde main cities for this. I was already in Orgrimmar but the run over to Thunder Bluff was quite long. I had to go through the entirety of the Barrens but at least I got to pick up some flight paths for when I'm coming back to quest here at a later time. I handed off the last quest in the Undercity on my way back to Silverpine Forest.
All greens baby
Now I'm running around in all greens at level 16. This is giving me more armor, more health and more damage. The few mobs I've fought since coming out of this dungeon has been a breeze so far. It's amazing what a few gear pieces can do. Just a single point of stamina makes a difference in hardcore seeing as it gives a flat 10 health points. Getting an extra 3 stamina from gear means an increase in health of over 10% which is quite huge at this level.
It won't help me against the Son of Urugal who is still stalking the woods of Silverpine Forest but I'll feel a lot safer against everything else.
Skruk out.
All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.
Exactly good things doesnt come easy. Nice play