
Best clip lol

Brutal stream today dude, the camera adds a huge plus

Camera adds quality to the stream for sure! Dude, so many good clips today. That Dark Elf language sure is a great source for memery.

I wasn't going to make a Twitch account yet, but now I will make an account to follow you and help you. I hope you can become a Twitch affiliate member soon!

Thank you a thousand times @bethyjade! I appreciate that so much. Let’s hope I can reach my goal sometime soon 😄

Hey, I watched a portion of your stream and you do a great job keeping folks entertained. My son-in-law is a streamer and YouTuber and I don't think people realize how much work this really is.

I hopped onto Twitch and followed you. Hoping you reach your goal soon!


Thanks man that means a lot to me! I remember seeing those videos you used to post before. His content is good for sure!

It's quite a lot of work at times. I work a full time job as well so this is just a hobby thing. 3 hours of streaming costs a lot more energy than 6 hours of solo gaming does :P

Oh, yeah; I remember now! I've been too busy to post his stuff lately, but will again at some point. All for the algorithm, ya know? lol

Yes; streaming is a "lower barrier to entry" way to get started. I wouldn't call it easy, though; just not that expensive to get started, other than time. Dennis did a lot of streaming back in the day; still does here and there. Just keep going and try to get a little better every day. You can really build an audience over time, but it does take time!

Good luck to you, @pusen. I'll keep checking in on you. If you need anything, let me know. Happy to help however I can.


It's very exciting 👍 it's a long time that I didn't play God of War I will play it again
Nice streaming dear friend 😊

Thanks dude! Every second of this game has been amazing so far. Enjoy it if you end up playing it again!

 3 years ago

I lov your streams dude, I'll be there even at 2-3 am.

Sorry for not commenting this before, I was a bit tired of life:(

What a source of great memery these dark elves are. Hopefully a new good stream tomorrow mate. Looking forward to seeing you there. Hope your life is alright.

Jean showed me some very funny clips from your stream hahahaha. I would have loved to join you, you have an amazing beard.


lol, yeah him and Gabriel was doing a good job with the clipping today. Gotta save them up and make a compilation of these one day. Join in on Thursday for next stream if you get the time. Thanks for the support dude!

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Yeeeeeeesss you're finally into God of War!!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it, it's an amazing game. What about the PC performance? Btw I have a friend who was also waiting for the PC launch and he's also having a blast, it reminded me of you hahaha.