Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

Let's continue my journey in Dredge, a fishing adventure with a sinister subplot. Last time around, I reached the beautiful waters of Stellar Basin and found a lot of exotic flora and fauna. But the most surprising of them all was the mysterious creature living at the centre of the basin, it had huge tentacles that it used to attack us and sank our boat.
There are many islands surrounding it, we harboured on an island with a Fortress. This one is called the Old Fortress. We found a female researcher here who was posted here to collect some samples to study. But her research outpost was attacked by that large creature and it got destroyed.
She had to flee here leaving her equipment behind in the interior of the basin. So her research came to a halt. She wanted our help in collecting those samples.
She wanted 3 different things, we already had one sample and sold the other last day. But we never found the Glowing Octopus yet.
We had a long talk with her and she told her about her career and how she got posted here all alone. She told us about another mysterious incident.
She found a lot of letters written by her sister in these waters. But she didn't remember packing them with her and even weirder she found letters her sister wrote after she died. What? How could that be possible? Is someone pranking her here or something messed up is going on here? In any case, she was an interesting NPC so I decided to leave everything and find those two remaining samples.
It didn't take us long to find that glowing octopus. It was beautiful. I saw some pictures of it on the internet and they look so out of this world.
The next day when we arrived at the Fortress island, there were a lot of crows with red-glowing eyes. Could this be a bad omen?
We delivered those samples but now she wants some more and from the deeper parts of the basin. That place where the dangerous creature lives. It is going to be a problem for sure.
Well, she wants us to go to the research outpost. Sure, we will go but only during the day. The night is a bit too risky there.
There was a tornado on the water's surface. It was strange and following our boat. I tried to flirt with it to see how much damage it did, what exactly it was and yes, it was dealing damage but wasn't faster than us. It is so interesting that a lot of things in this game want you dead. xD
I tried to retrieve those new samples from the deeper water. But with that tentacle monster there it was always going to be tough and it got us.
I found another piece of the map. I would like to call it a treasure map, but why is it split into pieces and found in different shipwrecks? But who am I to question the game's logic? I stashed it in my damaged boat and sailed away quickly.
Now I am missing just one piece of this map. But even without this map, you could see the area that is marked.
It looked like this part on my map -
So I went there without waiting for the last piece to be discovered. There was nothing in this area, but just a vast ocean. Would something appear here after I find the last piece of the map?
Back to the Basin then! I had to go and find that research station in the interior and it wasn't tough. This place was in ruins just as the researcher told us.
We found the Prototype Parts and as a reward, there was a research part as well. We grabbed both of those to take them back to the researcher.
She gave us a new fishing rod capable of catching fish from the deep waters here. We can catch the 'Abyssal' fish with a little more speed.
With the help of the Prototype Parts that we gave her, she developed a Repulsive Machine which produces a bright light and emits a high-pitched noise. That will keep that creature from attacking for a while. This is a huge thing and now, we have to take this machine and connect it to the research outpost generator and that monster will not attack us for a few in-game hours.
That's exactly what we needed! And I was trying to fight that thing off. Stupid me... lol.
She gave us a list of specimens again. This time she wants four of these weird deep sea creatures. I had never caught any of them before so it will be interesting to find them. I am confident that most of them would be found in the area where that tentacle monster resides. We might find some during the day while others at night. Let's see how it goes in the coming session.
Thanks for reading.

- All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
- Screenshots are from the game, Dredge.

if you ever feel like playing POE2, let me know :)
I will give it a try at some point. First, I will try a Diablo game, which I wanted to test for a long time. POE looks similar too. Never played any of those though.
poe is more like diablo than diablo is.
Oh wow, so you also play Dredge, I just made my post about this game. I see that you have a fairly large inventory and I also notice that the map is larger than it seems, so basically I have only discovered the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, about the inventory... I did all the upgrades to that. It is on max level now (unless there is a hidden item that increases it further)
I'm just uploading it with the pieces of research I've found.
How can someone write a letter while they are dead? That is quite mysterious. This game looks very interesting. I'll keep it on my list to play next.
Exactly man... something is not right with this game. Very mysterious, from one to the other
I didn't know this game, it looks quite interesting.
It definitely is... very highly rated on Steam too.
I become more and more interested in this game every time I see it. I might put it up as the next game to play on my stream after I finish Blasphemous.
I wanted to try Blasphemous some day too. Sounds a bit too brutal for my taste, and that's the only thing putting me off.
If you decide to stream Dredge, I would want to come and watch some of it.