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After enjoying Survival Minecraft for a few weeks, Beril and I decided to try a similar game—not similar in visuals but quite similar in theme and approach. I am talking about the popular sandbox game Terraria. I tried this one a couple of years ago but didn't play much because it was not much fun without friends.
She also bought the game from the recent Steam sale. I created a new character from scratch and started a new world, keeping all the things default.
I had some issues joining her to my server but it got resolved after restarting the game.
Those failed attempts to join almost made us lose some time and it was night. We had no armour and basic copper tools with no strategy and got assaulted by zombies and other monsters. We must have died many times as I wanted to get a small base going first but it proved to be a bad idea. The best idea was to dig underground start mining and come back to the surface the next day.
We chopped down some trees and went mining. Soon we found a web of caves under the spawn location. We were at the same time trying to figure out the controls and learn how to make even the simple things.
I knew a few things from my previous playthrough but that was very short and years ago. I had to relearn a lot of things. Also, this game is not very beginner and getting used to the controls, tile placements, movements etc is not easy at the start.
We gathered a lot of stones and some ores like tin. We were collecting whatever we were finding and filling up our inventories.
I knew that the deeper we go, we will mind rarer ores, chests etc. But eventually, you have to go out to get more wood.
A weird thing about this world is that it always rains around the spawn area so it remains dark and zombies never stop spawning. But if you go a bit far on either side of the spawn, the weather clears and you can see if it is day or night. I have no clue why this is happening. At first, we thought the thunderstorm would pass in a day or two but it remained there for like a week and we never saw sunlight in the spawn area. So we were forced to move to the left and chop down trees.
We went a bit further towards the east and collected flowers, crossed lakes and occasionally found a few caves or ore deposits just under the surface.
We still didn't have armour so we would come back when the sun started going down. I found a magical flower called the Adept Abigail's Flower which summons a ghost that protects its summoner. So, both of us used it to summon one ghost and we were instantly more secure. They don't deal a huge amount of damage but are useful against those pesky slimes in the caves.
Sometimes we would find hearts that permanently increase your max health and add one more heart to the health bar. We would alternate between them and use one at a time.
We found rare ores that we can't even mine with our pickaxes. These were glowing red ores but could be mined with explosives. We found some bombs already so it was easy.
We found some other rare ores like Platinum and Tungston. Collecting enough Platinum ores smelting them into bars and making a Pickaxe was a lengthy process, it takes a lot of ores to make just one Pickaxe but it was worth it. Now we could even mine those super strong red Crimtane ores. If something is that hard to mine imagine how powerful its tools will be.
We made some wooden + tin armour. We were just using whatever we could find. Also, those ghosts were doing a great job of protecting us. One of us would still die once in a while from something. But now we were much more controlled.
There are many mysteries in these caves. Not all of them are going deeper some go sideways but we intended to go deeper and collect whatever shiny thing we can get. It was chaotic, disorganised and instinctive with just one goal to get rich. Rich and powerful enough to take on those ever-present zombies on the surface and not have to run away from them.
Once in a while, a fairy would come in to guide you in the direction of treasure. You can follow them and they show the way to chests and good loot. We are still not sure what's the deal with different coloured fairies.
We found a lot of gems like Topaz, Sapphire, Ruby etc and made two hooks which made our life so much easier. I knew about these hooks and they are one of the best things for us. We were traversing those caves much faster now and taking more risks. With more risks came better rewards too. We found some interesting biomes such as a glowing mushroom one. I love the ambience there. We looted the entire place and kind of ruined it...lol. Exploitation of the highest order!
We both love to mine and explore these biomes so we had a lot of fun underground than on the surface. We plan on doing a lot of things in this world.

- All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
- Screenshots are from the game, Dredge.

Hi brother!
Terraria is looking like quite an interesting game. I just saw you mentioned that near spawn it is always dark, raining and zombies are spawning continuously. Have you checked the game settings, is there anything that can fix this, fighting zombies is enjoying, fighting, and survive. Is there any significant gem in this game or does every gem have its unique work in this game?
Enjoyed reading your post.
I just did a quick Google search and turns out this is happening because of too many gravestones close to the spawn which is somehow converting this area into something called a gravestone biome. I have to make some kind of shovel and dig all of those graves out.
There are a lot of gems like Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald etc and they have their use cases. One of the use cases was making a tool called a hook which allows us to grab a ledge and helps in traversing. These gems have varying degrees of reach depending on which hook you create. Also, there are some colourful torches that you can make from these gems. There have to be some other use cases that we still have to discover.
This game is a complete vice, the first time I played I was playing for hours until my eyes burned and the music of this game is great.
Is this something you enjoy? A friend bought me the game a couple of years back but I am wayyyy too crappy with it.. I can't wrap my head around it... although for some weird reason the graphics looks so much better!
Well, I didn't like it so much when I tried it a couple of years ago. I was too overwhelmed by the amount of things you can do, a lot of things to collect, craft, beat etc. Now that I have a partner to play it with, it is a bit easier and certainly more fun.
Terraria is such a good game and despite that I can only say that I have played it little and my greatest achievement is killing the queen bee
I don't even know what is a queen bee, but congrats sounds like a big achievement. Hopefully, we can kill it soon-ish.
Such a deep and good game. Haven't played it properly since around 2015 and I know they added a lot of stuff to it since then.
We are having a tough time sorting all the things we are finding. Didn't know it has that many things, a lot of different blocks, furniture, statues, vanity items, bosses. Going to be an interesting ride.
I have heard about terraria a lot but never played it. Seems interesting and you did great with the exploration and survival.
It is an interesting title for sure with a lot to do!
I love playing games with zombies that are less scary, this one look top notch and fun to explore
I've been wanting to play this game for years. I don't know why I haven't done it yet.
I heard many people say that Terraria is better than Minecraft, is it true?
Anyway, good gameplay. You did quite a lot on the first day.
It was done over a few days. But the rain didn't stop. Now I am thinking something is wrong with my spawn, it is always thunderstorms and rains. Maybe I messed up with some setting while creating this world.
I would still prefer Minecraft for now but I think as I get more familiar with Terraria it can change. I know Terraria has a lot more content than Minecraft, at least in terms of NPCs, Bosses etc.