[Game Review] Gris, the most beautiful game you'll ever play [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming5 years ago


Nowadays games can dazzle us with their mega realistic graphics and their possibilities in terms of interactions, however today I will talk about a game that has made me cry and that is art in all its expression. It's a game with simple but really well worked and beautiful graphics. Gris is an adventure and platform game that was released on December 13, 2018. It's a game that was underrated at first because people said it was just going to be beautiful but it wasn't going to be a great game, they were wrong.

Al día de hoy los juegos pueden deslumbrarnos por sus gráficos mega realistas y sus posibilidades en cuanto a interacciones se trata, sin embargo hoy les hablaré de un juego que me ha hecho llorar y que es arte en toda su expresión. Es un juego con gráficos sencillos pero realmente bien trabajados y hermosos. Gris es un juego de aventuras y plataformas que fue lanzado el 13 de diciembre de 2018. Es un juego que fue infravalorado al principio ya que la gente decía que solo iba a ser bonito pero no iba a ser un gran juego, se equivocaron.

This game has a beautiful story although it is quite sad at first. That's why this game is named after its story with a grey world and the fact that our protagonist is called Gris. In the introduction of the game we can see how Gris is trapped in a hand that breaks into pieces and falls apart, making Gris fall into a colorless world, a pretty sad world. Our girl must move forward in search of light. She discovers that the light allows her to modify her environment, allows her to form paths that will make her reach her goal. His goal is to form a constellation of stars and reach the sky, but it will not be easy because Gris will have obstacles. The story of this game can be understood in several ways and they are enclosed in reality. With the story we can identify as we usually live trapped in a gray and colorless world, full of obstacles that do not allow us to move forward and be happy. However, we do not give up and we keep on looking for light and giving color to our life no matter what. I love the story of this game and I recommend you to play it, you won't waste your time.

Este juego tiene una historia preciosa aunque al principio es bastante triste. De ahí viene el nombre de este juego por su historia con un mundo gris además de que nuestra protagonista se llama Gris. En la introducción del juego podemos ver como Gris está atrapada en una mano que se rompe en pedazos y se desmorona, haciendo caer a Gris en un mundo incoloro, un mundo bastante triste. Nuestra chica deberá de avanzar en busca de luz. Ella descubre que la luz le permite modificar su entorno, le permite formar caminos que la harán llegar a su objetivo. Su objetivo es formar una constelación de estrellas y llegar al cielo, pero no será fácil ya que Gris tendrá obstáculos. La historia de este juego puede entenderse de varias maneras y se encierran en lo real. Con la historia podemos identificarnos ya que usualmente vivimos atrapados en un mundo Gris e incoloro, lleno de obstáculos que no nos permiten avanzar y ser felices. Sin embargo no nos rendimos y seguimos adelante buscando luz y dando color a nuestra vida sin importar que. Adoro la historia de este juego y te recomiendo que lo juegues, no perderás tu tiempo.


The gameplay of Gray is very simple, in fact in Gray we can't die because our character has no life. The mechanics of this game are very simple but beautiful in every way. Basically we will have to go through all the scenarios collecting stars or lights that will grant us abilities to face obstacles. We will have collectibles scattered all over the map. Grey is a linear game and it may not seem like a big deal but it is. There will also be bosses that we will have to defeat.

La jugabilidad de Gris es muy sencilla, de hecho en Gris no podemos morir ya que nuestro personaje no tiene vida. Las mecánicas de este juego son muy simples pero preciosas en todos sus sentidos. Básicamente deberemos de ir por todos los escenarios recogiendo estrellas o luces que nos concederán habilidades para poder afrontar obstáculos. Dispondremos de coleccionables esparcidos por todo el mapa. Gris es un juego lineal y puede que no parezca la gran cosa pero si lo es. También habrán jefes que deberemos de vencer.

I'll tell you about the most powerful features of this game, its graphics and sound. Grey's art is unparalleled. It is a game that is drawn in its entirety and is based on pure abstract art. I think they did an incredible job in terms of animation and design. I love this game and you can't imagine how much fun I had playing it, although it did bring out a few tears in me. The music goes hand in hand with its incredible setting, making us go deeper into our character and the Grey world that projects his feelings. There are things I can't describe about this game that you must see and feel for yourself, in short, one of the most beautiful games I've ever played.

Les hablaré de las características más poderosas que posee este juego, su apartado gráfico y sonido. El arte de Gris no tiene comparación. Es un juego que es dibujado en su totalidad y se basa en puro arte abstracto. A mi parecer hicieron un increíble trabajo en cuanto a animación y diseño. Adoro este juego y no se imaginan lo bien que me la pasé jugando aunque si es verdad que también me sacó alguna que otra lagrima. La música va de la mano con su increíble ambientación, haciendo que nos adentremos más en lo profundo de nuestro personaje y el mundo Gris que proyecta sus sentimientos. Hay cosas que no puedo describir de este juego ya que debes de verlas y sentirlas por ti mismo, en pocas palabras, uno de los juegos más hermosos que jamás haya jugado.

This is my eighth post, I am very happy and I thank the Ocd community for being so supportive. If you would like to help me with a vote, you are welcome to do so. I hope you enjoy my review and come by to download this great game.

Este es mi octavo post, estoy muy feliz y le doy las gracias a la comunidad Ocd por ser de gran apoyo. Si deseas ayudarme con un voto, bienvenido sea. Ojalá disfrutes mi review y te pases a descargar este magnífico juego.


It looks really beautiful. I'm curious about this game.

I highly recommend this game. Thanks for reading me. :3

One of the best games I ever played. Made me jump from an emotion to another and cry at the end. I also recommend "TREE" and "Old Man's Journey" :)

Those games you mentioned are beautiful. I'm glad you read my post. :3


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Is OCD a good community to post in gaming? Sorry off topic a bit! It's hard to tell what's a game because it's so artsy! hahaha

Ocd is a very good community and has been very supportive. It's not only about gaming, you can post about photography and many other things. I personally have always liked video games and that's what i write about. :3

Awesome, thanks! Yea it's a great community for sure! You should check out BRO. I'm streaming DayZ there!

Seems you just posted this for rewards and also you are a cunt.

(I'm very sorry, I think this is an unacceptable way to conduct myself on the platform, but it seems that popular opinion is this is cool!

Have a great day

So you go around insulting people and then wish them a good day? And yes, my posts are set up to get rewards and there's nothing wrong with that because it's not trash content. What's the problem with having everything in rewards? I don't see a problem. Have a nice day. :3

Es muy interesante y bastante precioso. Muchas gracias por leerme. Si estás atento podrás ver mi siguiente review. :3