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RE: Perfect Killer? Criticism of Skyrim's difficulty

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

Definitely playing Skyrim on legendary difficulty becomes an art, because of everything we have to learn, research and even practice to master and create our perfect character. And if there is something that I agree with what you mention here is that in Skyrim (especially in master and legendary difficulty) is the need to play following specific roles in order to have an optimal personake and not suffer too much with the damage sponges that can be especially the boses.

Excellent post, pal, I hope to see more post of you about Skyrim (y)



thanks for your comment :) I think the beauty of this game is to have the freedom to create the role that you like and enjoy what you do, whether it's a maximum difficulty or just making your character a farmer, maybe later you will be the hand of destiny of a thieves guild or the liberator who makes the Thalmor run :)