My First Games Console

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hi Hive.

So this post will have a bit of a retro vibe going on as I’m talking about my very first games console, that being the Sega Saturn.


This console is undoubtedly the reason I have such a love for gaming today. I still have one that currently lives at my parents house, and I occasionally go over just to play on it. The two games that made this console for me are Saturn Bomberman and Athlete Kings. Don’t get me wrong, there are a few other classics that I still jump into from time-to-time such as Winter Heat and Die Hard Arcade, but they don’t compare to Bomberman and Athlete Kings.


This console was originally released in Japan in 1994, but was soon released the year after in North America and Europe. Despite being a fairly good console, the Sega Saturn is actually considered a commercial flop. This is partly due to a surprise launch in the US, as well as the cancellation of Sonic X-treme, which was due to be the first 3-D entry into Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog series.


So let’s talk about Bomberman first. This is literally the game of my childhood. I have many fond memories of of playing this game with my family. This game is the twelve instalment in the Bomberman series, and it’s the best one. Period. The end. I will fight you to the death on this. 😂


Like most Bomberman games, it features a story & battle mode, but this version also features a master mode. Let’s start with the story mode, the main attraction. The story mode can be played solo or with a friend. To advance in this mode you must destroy all of the zarfs, (think big red street lamps), whilst also avoiding or killing enemies. Once’s all Zarfs have been destroyed, the exit will then appear, and you’ll be able to proceed to the next level. Whilst playing, you can pickup power-ups, which will grant you different abilities such as: planting extra bombs, being able to push or throw your bombs to a different point or even being able to walk through obstacles!


One such power-up includes being able to ride your very own dinosaur helper. As well as working as an extra life, each dinosaur utilises it’s own special ability, such as running fast, or being able to jump over bombs or obstacles. These helpers can be found in eggs, and are uncovered just like normal power-ups. Each dinosaur starts as a baby: the more points you earn, the further their growth meter fills. Once full, once the level is completed, your dinosaur will ‘grow’. The second stage is adolescent and the third stage is of course adult. The bigger your dinosaur grows, the stronger their ability becomes.


The story mode is split into ‘worlds’. Each world has a certain amount of stages to complete. After completing all stages, you then have to fight the boss. As per the video game norm, the bosses are bigger, stronger and generally a bigger pain in the butt to destroy.


Battle mode is your typical p-v-p mode. Although the console is typically restricted to two players, this mode can be played with up to ten players via two multi taps. Battle mode is rather simple, kill everyone and be the last player standing. Like in story mode, there are several power-ups available, and yes that does include the dinosaurs! The growth system however works differently in this mode. Instead of earning points to make your Dino grow, picking up multiple eggs will allow your Dino to grow to the various growth stages.


The master mode is the only mode made solely for one person. Similarly to story mode, you must race through each level as quick as you can as you are rewarded more points for how quickly you complete all 20 levels. During gameplay you are awarded points for killing enemies as well as picking up extra points power-ups. As with the previous two modes, power-ups are available, but certain power ups are reset upon completion of each level. Progression between levels are based on destroying all of the enemies in each level, than destroying zarfs. After completing 3/4 levels you are then presented with a boss that you must defeat before progressing forward.


So let’s move onto Athlete Kings. This game, (known as Decathlete outside of Europe), was originally an arcade game but when then ported to the Sega Saturn. If you hadn’t figured it out already, it’s and track-and-field game. There are three modes: practice, arcade (which is what I imagine how the arcade machines played), and of course Decathlon. Gameplay is really simple; press the running buttons to run, press the jump/throwing buttons to jump/throw. Of course there’s other things to consider such as: timing and angles, but the core gameplay is easy.


Athlete Kings can be played solo or with another player, or as I prefer to see it: attempting to break the world records or destroying a friend for bragging rights 😂. Upon choosing a game mode, you are then able to select 1 of 8 international athletes, each of whom excel in different events. There are 4 possible strengths that each character could possibly have: Running, jumping, throwing or all-rounder (flipping show-offs).


In the arcade mode, players are required to meet a minimum time/height/distance in order for them to move onto the next event. This mode keeps the gameplay a little bit more interesting, however it sometimes requires you to beat the world record, which isn’t always possible. The decathlon mode is pretty self explanatory. It allows you to participate in the events in the traditional order without a qualifying limit.


Athlete Kings is an example of a game that my parents used to beat me at as a child, but I know absolutely wipe the floor with them 😂, (in the pictures, look for AJJ; those are my records 😜).


This console will always have a special place in my heart, as it was my first introduction into gaming. Honestly, I have so many memories of playing this console with my family. Not even just the two games that I’ve talked about, but there are so many that I’ve played. As old as this console is, I will never get rid of it and if it does ever die, I’ll probably bury it in the garden or something stupid 😂.


So ace you still have this, with some games.
I’ve never playing a Sega Saturn before. I remember when it was released and there was a massive buzz… then nothing 😂
I guess the flop you mentioned was very real.

Yeah dude, absolutely. I think they followed up with the Dreamcast, and most of the good games, i.e Resident Evil, Virtua Fighter etc, got ported to that. And then obviously Sony released the PlayStation soon after that and we all know how that went 😂

Also yes please do a proper burial when it finally stops working 😂

Yes! 100% dude. I’ll definitely have to make something out of it!

 3 years ago  

Sees the SEGA Saturn as the thumbnail
I actually never saw a SEGA console myself in real life, but I'd definitely love to one day because thanks to the Internet, I was exposed to the kind of cool stuff that the Saturn and Dreamcast had. I'm really happy to see someone still keeping their Saturn and showing it off like that; specially to know that you actually grew up with Saturn Bomberman of all things. Even if you don't have the multitap and multitude of controllers to take advantage of the 10-player mode, you probably still played that with the computer, and Master mode looks like a fun thing to try out!

Great post, and awesome to see someone that grew up with the good ol' Saturn!!

Thank you! Yeah this little console is amazing! I’m so glad that I got to grow up with it. I was actually born the year after it released in the UK, so it’s actually older than me 😂

Wow, the best thing is that you have the sega in very good condition and it is operating, I congratulate you for having affection for it and taking good care of it. Best regards! x)

Thank you! Yeah it’s taken some fine tuning every now and then, but it’s still going as good as the first day I got it!

Keep up the good work!

Saturn as your first!? Man, I'm jealous. I absolutely adore the Saturn despite never having owned one. It's one I'm still on the look out for.

I'm a huge SEGA fan and the Saturn was the PSvita of its day: Incredible hardware, incredible library, severely underrated.

Right!? So underrated. My best guess would be eBay to be honest. That’s where I got mine from

Unfortunately eBay isn't the safest bet down here in Brazil, things often get taxed when imported. I'm looking out on the local market, since Brazil did have a noticeable SEGA presence, but it's still been hard to find something I won't have to sell a kidney for 🤣

And your post made me want to write one myself:

That's how much I love the Saturn hahaha

Oh no way, that’s a shame. I’ve been looking for a multi-tap for mine but they’re either really expensive or from Japan 😭. I’ll have to check your post out tomorrow; I’m really intrigued

That bomberman looks very cute and colorful.

Yeah it really is, they definitely lost that vibe with a lot of the newer games in my opinion

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