Kyrie Eleison.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

I tried fast travel to Two Bends from River Valley and noticed the nearest Bureau was near Mount Vernon where Hope should've been expecting me so I ran there and found Hope along with Achilles. My task was to visit Lisbon, Portugal and unlock a Precursor temple to find something special.

After reaching Hope and Achilles, Hope was mentioning about Lisbon being near as large as Paris and was asking Shay if he's sure he can find this one place and Shay replied in affirmative.

Achilles said this duty falls upon Shay given his present knowledge of the site but Shay would have to travel to Lisbon sailing another ship leaving Morrigan to Hope and taking only his crew.

It was November 1755 when Shay reached Lisbon, Portugal taking only his crew though he thought Liam would join him in this journey but Achilles said Liam was unavailable and also warned him about Pieces of Eden being powerful relics.

So, we're after Pieces of Eden? Cool.

Shay reached the church that he was so sure about being the exact location shown by the map and he was talking about looking for a relic from the time before Adam and Eve.

There were civilians inside the church and I had to do my job having all of them witness though I hardly believe anyone would notice me there, lol.

I had to unlock the Precursor temple and I had to use the eagle vision to look for clues. There I found some locks that I had to unlock and that's the first one out of four. Unlocking this, a part called "Earth" got unlocked.

Now I had to look for the other parts and unlock wind, fire, water to unlock the secret door of the Precursor temple. I don't really know about these elements that I'm seeing in this game as well. I thought earth, fire, wind, water are only elements of splinterlands but now I see they're symbols of something big.

I didn't know what I'd have to do next so I just walked towards the light and when I walked there, something happened. It looked like a ground elevator that took me beneath the church.

And I reached the precursor site and I had to retrieve an artifact from there. This place looked so strange and extremely advanced though it was made many many centuries ago. I noticed such places in older installments of Assassin's Creed as well.

I found the artifact I was there for and when I reached close to it, Shay tried holding it but then it got banished and the whole place started shaking and there it looked like the underground was falling apart.

It felt like an earthquake and I had to escape the church now and I noticed the civilians were running around to survive the calamities. The whole church was getting destroyed in my eyesight when I was busy trying to escape the church.

Now after escaping the church, I had to escape Lisbon when it looked like the shaking/quake was not only around the church, it was happening to the whole city. I kept running forward when I was witnessing a city getting destroyed.

I kept running through the roofs of the buildings and sometimes through the inside of some rooms and I was falling down stepping foot on some cracked floors but I didn't die there, I kept running.

The last part of this escape was even harder as I jumped through the window of a room and that building was falling down at that moment when Shay somehow managed to get out of it and then after running for some times, he jumped on the ocean.

Shay survived and got to his crew but the whole city fell before him. One of his crew member was surprised about how God did this but Shay said God has nothing to do with this. He was referring it was man-made.

And I got my first 100% memory sync I guess.

You're welcome to see more of my AC Rogue moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.


Thanks for stopping by.

 4 months ago  

Alamadre un objeto de antes de Adán y Eva, esa cosa tiene que ser muy loca. Algo como, tecnología alienígena jaja

Yeah lets see what it'll do in the future in this game. Thanks for stopping by.

@tipu curate 10

Thanks for stopping by.