“What makes Titanfall 2 special? A worthwhile experience” [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming2 months ago
Greetings dear friends of Hive, how are your gaming sessions going? Welcome to my post once again, this time I bring you my adventure in Titan Fall 2, a very heard game that generated a lot of noise when its first release came out, I remember that YouTube was full of gameplays and personally I thought it was a great concept to see that in a game you could pilot different titans to go to an arena to fight against all of them.
Saludos queridísimos amigos de Hive ¿Cómo van sus sesiones de juego? Bienvenidos a mi post una vez más en esta oportunidad traigo mi aventura en Titan Fall 2 un juego muy oído y que genero mucho ruido cuando salió su primera entrega, recuerdo que YouTube estaba repleto de gameplays y en lo personal me parecía un concepto genial ver que en un juego uno podría pilotear diferentes titanes para ir a una arena a pelear contra todos.


I always wanted to play it and when I could buy Titan Fall 2 I was looking like crazy to buy the first one, clearly I wanted to start at the beginning to understand the story and then continue with the second installment but after researching and being like crazy looking in all game sales platforms I found out that the first part was online, the story was told through the victories or defeats of the games which I find very original but currently only the Xbox servers are enabled to play.
Siempre quise jugarlo y cuando pude comprar el Titan Fall 2 estuve buscando como loco para comprar el 1, claramente quería empezar por el principio para entender la historia y posteriormente continuar con su segunda entrega pero tras investigar y estar como loco buscando en todas las plataformas de ventas de juegos me entere que la primera parte era online, la historia se iba contando por medio de las victorias o derrotas de las partidas lo cual me parece muy original pero actualmente solo están habilitados los servidores de Xbox para jugar.
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I had no choice, I informed myself in general what the story was about and I started with this nice game that sadly does not last as many hours as I expected but I enjoyed every minute, I must say that at the beginning I set the difficulty to hard but after a few hours I noticed that for me it was very difficult and ended up getting frustrated more than enjoying, it is one of the few times I lowered the difficulty of a game but I do not regret it because after all I came for the gaming experience and the story, if I want a difficult game I go to Dark souls.
No me quedo de otra, me informe en general de que iba la historia y comencé con este lindo juego que tristemente no dura tantas horas como esperaba pero que disfrute cada minuto, debo decir que al comienzo puse la dificultad en difícil pero tras algunas horas note que para mí era muy difícil y terminaba frustrándome más que disfrutando, es una de las pocas veces que le baje la dificultad a un juego pero no me arrepiento porque al fin y al cabo vine por la experiencia de juego y la historia, si quiero un juego difícil me voy al Dark souls.
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Thanks to the PC I have and I was able to arm myself with the time to enjoy the graphic quality of this installment, I did not skimp on anything and my PC held up like a champion, the scenarios are excellent, alien worlds that often seem familiar to earth but by the fauna one realizes that there is no relation to the biology that one knows.
Gracias a la PC con la que cuento y pude armarme con el tiempo disfrute de la calidad grafica de esta entrega, no escatime en nada y mi PC aguanto como un campeón, los escenarios son excelentes, mundos alienígenas que en muchas ocasiones te parecen familiares a la tierra pero que por la fauna uno se da cuenta que no hay relación alguna con la biología que uno conoce.




In the first hours of the game one of the titans will lose its pilot and as a last option it will transfer the command to us to continue the mission, which is a great responsibility, but necessary to fulfill the objective. In a fun way throughout the story we will get to know and impregnate our personality to the titan, being a robot there are things that he understands literally, but I find it very funny how he gradually understands the mood of the pilot, as both take care of each other and overcome complicated moments.
En las primeras horas de juego uno de los titanes perderá a su piloto y como última opción nos transferirá el mando para que continuemos la misión, lo cual es una gran responsabilidad, pero necesaria para cumplir con el objetivo. De una forma divertida a lo largo de la historia iremos conociendo e impregnando de nuestra personalidad al titan, al ser un robot hay cosas que entiende literalmente, pero me resulta muy divertido como va comprendiendo de a poco el humor del piloto, como ambos se cuidan mutuamente y superan momentos complicados.



We will also unlock different weapons for the titan, you can play with the one you feel more comfortable, but there are times when it is extremely necessary to use the last weapon you unlocked to overcome certain obstacles, this is not very clear and can cause you to work in an area more than you would like, but nothing very critical to the overall gameplay.
También iremos desbloqueando diferentes armas para el titan, uno puede jugar con la que se sienta más cómodo, pero hay en ocasiones que es sumamente necesario utilizar la ultima arma que desbloqueaste para superar ciertos obstáculos, esto no es muy claro y puede provocar que te quedes trabajo en una zona mas delo que te gustaría, pero nada muy critico para la jugabilidad general.


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We will go through different points fighting against general enemies, it is an adventure worth playing, although after 11 hours of gameplay I was left wanting more, wanting more battles, more story and once I finished the game was like Really this is it? I'm not saying it's bad or that it's little, but you end up enjoying it so much that you just want more and there's no more. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet so when I have some free time I'm going to see how the servers are doing and how many people are currently still playing it.
Iremos a través de diferentes puntos luchando contra generales enemigos, es una aventura que vale la pena jugar, aunque tras 11 horas de juego me quede con ganas de más, con ganas de más batallas, más historia y una vez termine el juego fue como ¿En serio esto es todo? No digo que sea malo ni que sea poco, pero uno termina disfrutando tanto que simplemente quiere más y no hay más. Todavía no he probado el multijugador así que cuando tenga un tiempo libre voy a ver que tal van los servidores y cuantas personas actualmente lo siguen jugando.




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My last post [ENG-ESP] “Prototype in Motion: Joining the Soul to the Body of the Project.”


I played through the Titanfall 2 campaign a few months ago. The game was on sale on Steam and I'd only heard good things about it beforehand.

I found the campaign really refreshing, especially because it wasn't that long and was filled with plenty of action. The gameplay was also really cool, something different from any other classic shooter.

Totally agree, different, frenetic and sadly short but very well done, sometimes it is better something short and well done than stretching the length of the game falsely, thank you very much for commenting and good that you could get it on sale to enjoy it as I did.

I played the first one and it's brutal, I know this one has a campaign that apparently looks incredible, I've been playing Apex for a long time and well, being from the same studio I guess the dynamics have to be very similar to the first one. It looks incredible, really, is multiplayer still alive?

I didn't get to play the first one but I did see many gameplays, the multiplayer is still alive although sometimes it's hard to find games but they are very good and there are very good people playing. I was surprised when I found out that it is set in the universe of Apex legends. Thank you very much for stopping by

 2 months ago (edited) 

Me sorprende lo bien que se ve siendo un juego "viejo", esa captura en el cielo se ve increíble.

Esta saga es otra de esas espinitas que tengo clavada. Siempre he escuchado cosas buenas de ambos juegos. Pero recuerdo que en la época en la que salió, intenté jugar el primero en mi xbox 360 y como era pirata, no podia conectarme a internet y el primer juego requería conexión para jugarlo jaja, así que simplemente me olvidé de la saga y nunca la probé 😅.

Estas imágenes realmente me dan ganas de probar el 2, no es la primera vez que leo cosas buenas de esa campaña.

Hey, I hadn't thought about it, it's an old game but it looks great, you are so right that it has aged well. Nice to have you around reading my stuff.
Yes, I wanted to play the first game and I found out that it was exclusive to xbox and to play the story you had to do it in multiplayer, this is your chance, if you have time in less than a week you can finish it and get rid of the desire.

I played Titan Fall 2 a few years ago, I thought it was a great game. I'm currently platinating video games and maybe at some point I'll feel like platinating this great game.

Thanks for stopping by to read What game have you platinumed? I want to platinum the Halo Master chieff collection but I know it is a long term plan and I have to do it little by little to not get frustrated, many success with these goals.

I have about 30 platinums, I usually plat only the games that I liked a lot.

 2 months ago  

El caso de Titalfall 2 es muy triste, EA nos dejó sin una tercera entrega y en lugar tenemos Apex Legends, que no es un mal battle royale pero, personalmente amé tanto el 2 que me habría encantado un Titanfall 3.

Yo lo jugué por recomendación de un amigo que sí llegó a jugar al primero en su momento y no dejó de insistirme acerca de lo bueno que era, un día lo empecé y no me levanté de la silla hasta terminarlo, probablemente la mejor campaña de un shooter en la historia reciente, con el permiso de Doom Eternal.

El multijugador lo he jugado un poco e igual es brutal, te lo recomiendo mucho, es increíble que siga activo durante estos años.