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I'm sharing my battle with CENTAUR.
In this blog, I am going to explain my whole battle with CENTAUR. I'm also going to explain my lineup for this battle. Hope You will get the know-how and why I managed to win the battle.
First Introduction of The Monster.
- Edition: BETA
- Rarity: COMMON
- Element: NEUTRAL
- Attack: RANGED
- Abilities: SNIPE
The Centaurs of Anumün can skewer a squirrel from further than a human eye can see. Their arrows are thick, their bows are long, and they are extremely territorial. In close combat, they require no weapons, having the fury of a man and the strength of a horse.
I used level 4 CENTAUR. It has Snipe ability. It helps me a lot to win the match. It had 4 life and cost me 4 mana for this battle. It attacked the opponent with 2 ranged attacks.
- Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
- Keep Your Distance: Monsters with Melee attacks may not be used in battles.
- The mana cap was 18. That means I could use a total of 18 mana cap monsters.
One of my favourite Summoners of Splinterlands. I've used level 4 Zantar Mortals In this battle. It reduces 1 melee attack ability from the opponent monster. It is one of the death summoners and I think one of the most used summoners by myself.I have some higher-level death monster and because of Keep Your Distance rules I used it in this battle.
Zintar Mortalis is the leading Dark Summoner. His renown has earned him the right to have a name, which is rare among the Dark Eternal collective. As a powerful summoning wizard, Zintar is the closest thing Mortis knows to a celebrity. When facing Zintar Mortalis is a summoner’s battle, only the bravest opponents do not cower in fear.Source
FURIOUS CHICKEN is one of my favourite monsters because of its mana cost. It doesn't cap any mana in the battle and because of the battle rule, I used level one furious chicken. It just help me to fritter away one of the attacks of the opponent monster. It has no attack ability on level one.
I've used this monster in the second position because it has 4 health and it just cost me only one mana. Though it does not have any ability to attack. It helps me to fritter away some of the useful attacks of the opponent monster with its 4 life.
I used it at the number 3 position because all of my other monsters in this battle has only ranged attack and it has magic attack ability. I've used level 4 DEATH ELEMENTAL because it has snipe and silence ability. I thought the opponent could come with a magic attack because e of the battle rule and my monster would reduce magic with silence ability. But it did not happen. It took 1 life each round with its magic attack.
I chose this monster because of its 2 ranged attack ability and poison ability. I've used level 4 Hunted spider in this battle. It helped me to win the battle. It took 2 life from an opponent in every round. It lest till the battle ended.
it was the most powerful monster in my battle. It has snipe ability with 3 ranged attacks. It cost me 4 mana for this battle and I used level 4 Twisted jester for this battle. Because of its 3 ranged attacks, I used it at 5th position.
This card is the battle challenged card from splinterlands. I used level 4 Centaur for this battle. I didn't have a level 4 centaur so I rented this. It has snipe ability with 2 ranged attacks. I think it is one of the useful monsters for this battle.
That was my line-up.
That was my line-up.
Battle Round..
This Battle lest only four rounds. Now I am going to explain what happened in those 4 rounds.
Beginning Of this round or battle:
Ending of the first round and beginning of the second round:
Here You can see the monsters after completing the first-round battle. At the beginning of this round DEATH ELEMENTAL did the first attack of the opponent monster. After that twisted jester attacked the same opponent monster and then the centaur attacked the same monster. My first 3 attacks were completed on the same opponent monster. After that, the opponent got a chance to attack. At the end of the round, I lost one of my monsters named furious chicken.
Beginning of the second round:
At the beginning of the second round, I had to continue with fewer monsters than the first round because I lost my teammate. But that couldn't affect my second round.
Ending of the second Round battle:
At the beginning of the battle opponent also lost its furious chicken because e of the poison ability of my hunted spider. In this round, I and the opponent lose the monster. That's mean in the second round I lost 1 monster and the opponent lost 2 monsters.
Beginning of the Third round:
Here You can see the opponent lost most of the monster. That means you can guess who will win the battle.
Ending of the third round:
In This round, I lost one monster but the opponent didn't lose any monster. That looks very confusing and you can't think who will win.
Beginning of the Fourth round:
That was the final round for this battle.
Ending of the Fourth round:
Ha Ha Ha..... In this round opponent lost its last monster and I won the battle. there was 3 monster remaining in my lineup. I think if the opponent had a good level card, the fight could be more competitive.
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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd