I LOVEEEEEEEEE ENTER THE GUNGEON, I think it's the game I've played the most apart from LoL, the design of the dungeons and enemies I love because each one has a special feature, besides the weapons that are quite creative and some very funny, and what to say about the bosses each is enigmatic (I hate the snake of the second level always makes me difficult) that when one manages to beat them feel a great satisfaction after dodging all the projectiles they throw at you, If this is not enough the different secrets that the dungeon has, the game has such a diversity of things that you want to discover all of them as the past of the dungeon runners, an addition that I liked was the book (I do not remember the name) that shows a small description of everything whether it is an object, enemies or weapons. Sorry for so much text but seriously Enter the gungeon is one of my favorite games, good post bro <3
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Ey para nada, no hace falta que te disculpes. Algo que mencionaste y me olvide es lo que decís del libro con información. HAY MUCHISIMAS REFERENCIAS, ya sean chistes o referencias de la cultura popular hasta propios guiños de los desarrolladores. Logran hacerte sentir parte de la familia, casi como si estuvieras ahí desarrollando el juego con ellos. Un gusto poder leer tu comentario @mig1