Reflections of a gamer,a disappointment that deserved a second chance./Reflexiones de un jugador, una decepción que merecía una segunda oportunidad.[Eng-Esp].

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

After more than a decade, I decided to give a second chance to a game that, at the time, was my biggest disappointment: Resident Evil 5. I vividly remember the excitement I felt waiting for it during my teenage years, especially after spending countless hours enjoying Resident Evil 4, one of the games that sparked my love for the series. But when I finally tried Resident Evil 5... let’s just say the enthusiasm didn’t last long.

Después de más de una década, decidí darle una segunda oportunidad a un juego que, en su momento, fue mi mayor decepción: Resident Evil 5. Recuerdo perfectamente la emoción con la que lo esperé en mi adolescencia, especialmente después de haber pasado incontables horas disfrutando de Resident Evil 4, uno de los juegos que marcó mi amor por la saga. Pero cuando finalmente probé el 5... digamos que el entusiasmo no duró mucho.

Back then, the change in formula felt like a betrayal. Shifting from the tension and horror of Resident Evil 4, with its dark atmosphere and perfect balance between action and survival horror, to an almost entirely action-oriented focus in Resident Evil 5 was like a cold bucket of water. The feeling of isolation, the inventory management, and that constant sense of uncertainty were replaced by explosions, forced co-op, and a tone that felt much more "Hollywood-style."

En aquel entonces, el cambio en la fórmula me pareció una traición. Pasar de los momentos de tensión y horror del 4, con su atmósfera oscura y su equilibrio perfecto entre acción y survival horror, a un enfoque casi totalmente orientado a la acción en el 5, fue como un balde de agua fría. La sensación de soledad, el manejo del inventario, y esa incertidumbre constante habían desaparecido en favor de explosiones, cooperativo forzado y un tono que me parecía mucho más "hollywoodense".

Today, some 13 or 14 years later, I decided to revisit this chapter of the saga. I was curious to see if, with the passage of time and a more open mindset, my perception of the game would change.

Right from the start, I can say that my initial impressions held true: it’s still a very different game from Resident Evil 4. The horror element is practically absent, Sheva's AI can be frustrating, and the real-time inventory system made me grit my teeth more than once. However, something was different this time: I set out to enjoy the game for what it is, not for what I once expected it to be.

Hoy, unos 13 o 14 años más tarde, decidí enfrentar nuevamente este capítulo de la saga. Tenía curiosidad por saber si, con el paso del tiempo y una mentalidad más abierta, mi percepción del juego cambiaría.

Desde el principio, puedo decir que mis primeras impresiones se mantuvieron: sigue siendo un juego muy diferente al Resident Evil 4. El horror prácticamente no está presente, la inteligencia artificial de Sheva puede ser frustrante, y ese inventario en tiempo real me hizo apretar los dientes más de una vez. Sin embargo, algo cambió: esta vez me propuse disfrutarlo por lo que es, no por lo que esperaba que fuera.

Although I can't help but compare Resident Evil 5 to the iconic Resident Evil 4 (and find it lacking in many aspects), I’ve come to realize it’s not a bad game. As an action title, it has its strengths:

  • Co-op gameplay: This is one of its highlights. Playing with a friend significantly enhances the experience. Sharing strategies and overcoming hordes of Majini together adds a fun and engaging element.
  • Graphics and setting: Even after so many years, the design of Kijuju and its environments remain visually appealing. The attention to detail in certain areas is impressive for its time.
  • Enemy variety and pacing: The constant action keeps you on your toes, and the variety of enemies, coupled with some creatively designed bosses, ensures you’re always strategizing to adapt.

It may not live up to the survival horror roots of the franchise, but as a fast-paced action game, it holds its ground surprisingly well.

Aunque no puedo evitar comparar Resident Evil 5 con el 4 (y encontrarlo carente en muchos aspectos), también descubrí que no es un mal juego. Como título de acción, tiene sus puntos fuertes:

Su cooperativo es uno de ellos , jugar con un amigo mejora la experiencia considerablemente. Compartir estrategias y superar juntos las hordas de Majini añade un elemento divertido.
Sus Gráficos y ambientación tambien lo son ,Incluso tantos años después, el diseño de Kijuju y los entornos son visualmente atractivos.
Y su variedad de enemigos y ritmo es otro que no esta tan mal, la acción constante te mantiene en movimiento, y algunos jefes tienen diseños interesantes que exigen estrategia.

Despite the fact that Resident Evil 5 didn’t win me over in my teenage years, today I can appreciate it for what it is: an entertaining action game with some interesting touches, though far removed from the original spirit of the saga.

If I compare it to Resident Evil 4, it’s still a significant letdown. However, I no longer see it through the eyes of that teenager expecting a similar experience. Now, I enjoy it as a different kind of game—perfect for having fun without setting my expectations too high.

A pesar de que Resident Evil 5 no logró conquistarme en mi adolescencia, hoy puedo apreciarlo por lo que es: un juego de acción entretenido, con algunos toques interesantes pero lejos del espíritu original de la saga.

Si lo comparo con el 4, sigue siendo una gran decepción. Sin embargo, ya no lo veo con los ojos de aquel adolescente que esperaba una experiencia similar. Lo disfruto como un título diferente, perfecto para pasar un buen rato sin demasiadas expectativas.

Sometimes, games need to find us at the right moment. Maybe Resident Evil 5 wasn’t meant for me back then, but now, even though it will never be my favorite, it has at least managed to redeem itself a little.

A veces, los juegos necesitan encontrarnos en el momento adecuado. Quizás Resident Evil 5 no era para mí en el pasado, pero ahora, aunque no será mi favorito, al menos logró redimirse un poco.

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 3 months ago  

For me Resident Evil 5 wasn't a big disappointed, mostly because I didn't wait longer for the game and wasn't expecting too much. Some of the chase scenes in RE5 are iconic and I still remember them. But comparing any game with Resident Evil 4 will not be a fair comparison, I think. That was such a masterpiece.

It really hit me hard; imagine being around 10 years old when I first discovered Resident Evil 4. I spent countless hours in front of the GameCube playing it, and when I heard about Resident Evil 5, my expectations were sky-high. A couple of years passed, and by the time I was 14 or 15, I finally got the chance to play it. Facing it for the first time was a pretty big shock.

Now, after 12 more years, I played it again to see it from a different perspective, and I understood a lot of things.


I love the majority of the classic RE games and RE4 but I never liked RE5 because it has zero survival horror elements and feels more like a streamlined action shooter. Despite all that I have to admit that it is a very enjoyable game to play with a friend in coop mode.

Completely agree with what you mentioned, I feel the same way about it.