Gaming recommendation of the week, Battlefield 4 – an explosive campaign.

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

Today, I bring you an exciting recommendation for the community. This week, I couldn’t miss the chance to talk about a classic that deserves to be revisited: Battlefield 4. While many know this installment for its chaotic and epic multiplayer, today I want to focus on its story mode, an experience that, although brief, stands out for its intensity and impeccable cinematic execution.

Hoy les traigo con mucha emoción una recomendación a la comunidad, pera esta semana no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de hablarles de un clásico que merece ser revisitado: Battlefield 4. Si bien muchos conocen esta entrega por su multijugador caótico y épico, hoy quiero centrarme en su modo historia, una experiencia que, aunque breve, destaca por su intensidad y su impecable ejecución cinematográfica.

Developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts, Battlefield 4 has become a classic in the FPS genre, standing out for its balance between an addictive multiplayer mode and an action-packed campaign.

Desarrollado por DICE y lanzado por Electronic Arts, Battlefield 4 se ha convertido en un clásico dentro del género FPS, destacándose por su equilibrio entre un multijugador adictivo y una campaña repleta de acción.

The campaign of Battlefield 4 puts us in the shoes of Daniel Recker, a member of the Tombstone squad, amidst a global conflict that takes us through stunning settings: from the flooded streets of Shanghai to burning aircraft carriers and hostile jungles. The narrative, although simple, is packed with action and epic moments that feel straight out of a high-budget war movie.

La campaña de Battlefield 4 nos pone en los zapatos de Daniel Recker, miembro del escuadrón Tombstone, en medio de un conflicto global que nos llevará por escenarios impresionantes: desde las calles inundadas de Shanghái hasta portaaviones en llamas y selvas hostiles. La narrativa, aunque sencilla, está llena de acción y momentos épicos que parecen sacados de una película bélica de alto presupuesto.

What makes the Battlefield 4 campaign memorable are its spectacular settings. The Frostbite 3 engine shines throughout, offering destructible and detailed environments. Each level is the perfect combination of frenetic combat and moments of visual awe.

From escaping a collapsing building to facing enemy helicopters on the high seas, the campaign is packed with epic moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This, along with its gameplay variety, makes it stand out. Although it's a shooter, the story allows us to move freely in certain scenarios, plan our attacks, and experiment with different weapons and vehicles.

Lo que hace memorable a la campaña de Battlefield 4
Son sus escenarios espectaculares,el motor Frostbite 3 brilla en la campaña, ofreciendo entornos destructibles y detallados, cada nivel es una combinación perfecta de combate frenético y momentos de contemplación visual.
Esos momentos épicos desde escapar de un edificio derrumbándose hasta enfrentarnos a helicópteros enemigos en alta mar, la campaña está llena de momentos que nos mantendran al borde del asiento,esto junto a su variedad de gameplay , que aunque es un shooter, la historia nos permite movernos con libertad en ciertos escenarios, planear los ataques y experimentar con distintas armas y vehículos.

Although years have passed since its release, the Battlefield 4 campaign still feels fresh. It’s a linear experience, yes, but it delivers everything you’d expect from a great war shooter: explosions, grand settings, moments of heroism, and a visual presentation that still impresses. Moreover, it’s perfect for those looking for a short yet adrenaline-packed adventure.

Aunque han pasado años desde su lanzamiento, la campaña de Battlefield 4 sigue sintiéndose fresca. Es una experiencia lineal, sí, pero ofrece todo lo que uno espera de un buen shooter bélico, explosiones, grandes escenarios, momentos de heroísmo y un apartado visual que aún impresiona. Además, es perfecta para quienes buscan una aventura corta pero repleta de adrenalina.

If you’ve never given the Battlefield 4 story a chance or want to relive it, now is the perfect time. Sometimes, stepping away from multiplayer and diving into a well-crafted narrative is just what we need.

Si nunca le diste una oportunidad a la historia de Battlefield 4 o quieres revivirla, este es el momento. A veces, desconectarse del multijugador y sumergirse en una narrativa bien construida puede ser justo lo que necesitamos.

What do you think? Have you played the Battlefield 4 campaign? Share your favorite moments with me! Let’s chat in the comments.

¿Qué opinan? ¿Han jugado la campaña de Battlefield 4? ¡Cuéntenme sus momentos favoritos! Nos leemos en los comentarios

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Very much agree with you, the campaign is short but it is a very good experience, sometimes it is better something short that is excellent than artificially stretch the campaign just to fill hours of gameplay.
The multiplayer is brutal, there are thousands of excellent and epic clips, the destructible environments really gave it a phenomenal touch.

It really bothers me when they add those fillers, where you don’t even know if you’re watching Naruto or playing a game, hahaha.

 3 months ago  

I heard Battlefield 4's story mode is often overshadowed by its multiplayer, but you're right, it's a masterpiece in its own way. Definitely worth a replay for those who missed it.

Yes, yes, its campaign is absolutely worth it; I’m enjoying it a lot.

One of the first games I played on my PS4! It's just a shame that they decided to continue the story in 2045.