Super Metroid a super hit of the 90's

in Hive Gaming11 months ago (edited)



I played little of this game at the time, but despite the time in which it was released it has taken its place with all its limitations of graphics at the time as one of the best of all time in terms of its environmental storytelling.

Super Metroid is an action-adventure game released by Nintendo in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

In this game, players assume the role of Samus Aran, a space bounty hunter, as she explores the planet Zebes to rescue a stolen Metroid baby.



Super Metroid is notable for its non-linear gameplay style and emphasis on exploration. Players must traverse different areas of the planet, unlock new abilities and face challenging enemies to advance the story.

As you progress through the game, Samus acquires new weapons and upgrades that allow her to access previously inaccessible areas, encouraging exploration and returning to previous areas).

Super Metroid's graphics and music are acclaimed for their immersive atmosphere and ability to convey a sense of solitude in a hostile alien world.



There are memorable episodes in the game, for example: the dead soldier riddled with parasites outside one of the early boss rooms. The crashed and half-submerged alien spaceship.

There are secrets hidden everywhere and the game teases you with tantalising clues, items that are always just out of reach.

And what makes it great is the combination of puzzle solving, atmosphere, narrative, exploration, game design and gameplay.

The game was exclusive to the Super Nintendo and you can currently play it on PC using some emulators.



A true gem of gaming history

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 11 months ago  

The legendary Super Metroid, was one of my favorite video games of the super Nintendo, I've played some of its installments and have been very fun.

Despite the time in which it was launched, it is still going strong.

A jewel of history, thanks to this game exists this beloved genre that has brought us so many good works. I didn't play this game but I did try other more recent ones and it's a good experience that everyone should have.

Undoubtedly a game that marked the before and after of video games of the genre.