[PT/EN] XBox Game Pass Experience 11 - Special Epsode 400Days 02

in Hive Gaminglast year (edited)

English below

Olá pessoal! Hoje vim aqui para mais uma XBox Game Pass Experience. Hoje irei falar do episódio especial de The Walking Dead A Telltale Game Series Season 1 a DLC 400dias. Essa será a segunda parte da DLC 400dias.

Decidi gravar sem a câmera hoje porque gravei do quarto e estava escuro mas não quis esperar pra gravar depois.

Além da gameplay vou mostrar um pouco sobre o jogo, conquistas feitas, horas de gameplay e etc...

Então vamos ao que interessa...

A historia(Com Spoilers)


A DLC é dividida em 5 historias diferentes de grupos de sobreviventes. Vince, Shel, Wyatt, Bonnie e Russell. Algumas historias tem cenários que aparecem nos outros eps da primeira temporada enquanto outros parecem acontecer em torno do posto de gasolina Gill Pitstop. As 2 historias de hoje são da Bonnie e do Russel.

Primeiro escolhi a historia da Bonnie. Aparentemente ela vivia em um triangulo amoroso difícil que não se concretizava. Uma discussão é iniciada por ciúmes que atrai outro grupo e eles precisam fugir. No caminho Bonnie se machuca e os 2 deixam ela pra trás, ela se esconde e consegue fugir até onde consegue pegar uma viga como arma. Após conseguir a arma alguém se aproxima e ela ataca acertando a cabeça. O problema é que era a mulher do grupo dela, que aparentemente estava procurando por ela. Após isso o homem do grupo chega e pergunta o que aconteceu e se recusa a deixar a mulher. Bonnie precisa fugir para que não seja pega e assim termina a historia da Bonnie.

Após a historia da Bonnie começamos a do Russel. Russel está na estrada e ao ver um carro tenta se esconder mas já era tarde de mais. O homem no carro para e insiste até convencer Russel a ir com ele. No final Russel vai o que se mostra uma escolha duvidosa, o cara é um sádico e quando chegam ao posto de gasolina começam a atirar neles, eles conseguem invadir e percebem que são um casal de idosos tentando se defender. Russel desarma eles mas não quer matar eles e decidi ir embora e deixar eles em paz, mas o companheiro de viagem decide mata-los então Russel abandona ele e assim a historia termina.

Após todas as 5 historias terem sido contadas chegamos ao dia 400 e percebemos que as notas no mural eram as historias contadas e que uma recrutadora de uma comunidade estava lendo elas, todas as 5 pessoas das historias estão reunidas em um grupo e a recrutadora chega até eles para convida-los para a comunidade. Após uma conversa e divergências o Russel e Wyatt decidem não ir e todos os outros vão. Não sei se foi só resultado da conversa ou se teve a ver com as escolhas das historias pessoais deles.

Assim terminou a DLC 400Dias, vamos ver se veremos alguns deles na segunda temporada do jogo.

Conquistas e estatísticas

De acordo com o app do XBox Game Pass a historia principal tem uma gameplay de 12horas incluindo todos os capítulos e 13horas se considerarmos a DLC 400dias. Também fala que no modo complecionista dura 14horas.


Considerando as horas que deixei o jogo parado mais as horas jogadas tive 18:51.rs Morri 20 vezes e fiz 903 escolhas. Também conquistei mais 4 troféus totalizando 47. Mesmo com o jogo todo terminado ainda faltou 1 troféu que pela cor de fundo parece da DLC mas eu não sei como conseguir. Talvez em algum momento eu jogue de novo a DLC pra tentar pegar ele.



Esse foi o o inicio da DLC 400Dias... Estou esperando pra ver todas as conexões das historias e ver se eles estão ligados a historia principal como suspeito.

Espero que gostem da gameplay e quero saber dos feedbacks pra saber como proceder com os Game Pass Experience. Querem vídeos mais longos? Mais curtos? Outros jogos? Completar esse jogo? Digam nos comentários o que vocês gostariam de ver por aqui.

Se você tiver um voto sobrando para testemunhas na Hive considere votar na testemunha da Nexo Digital clicando aqui . Assim você ajuda no onboard de novos Hivers e a valorizar arte e cultura que são os focos principais da comunidade!

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Translated by deepl.com

Hello everyone, today I'm here for another XBox Game Pass Experience. Today I'm going to talk about the special episode of The Walking Dead A Telltale Game Series Season 1 the 400days DLC. This will be the second part of the 400days DLC.

I decided to record without the camera today because I was recording from my room and it was dark, but I didn't want to wait to record it later.

As well as the gameplay, I'm going to show you a bit about the game, achievements, hours of gameplay and so on.

So let's get down to business...

The Story(With Spoilers)


The DLC is divided into 5 different stories of groups of survivors. Vince, Shel, Wyatt, Bonnie and Russell. Some stories have settings that appear in the other eps of the first season while others seem to take place around the Gill Pitstop gas station. Today's 2 stories are Bonnie's and Russell's.

I chose Bonnie's story first. Apparently she was living in a difficult love triangle that didn't materialize. An argument is started out of jealousy which attracts another group and they have to flee. On the way Bonnie gets hurt and the two leave her behind, she hides and manages to escape until she manages to grab a beam as a weapon. After getting the weapon, someone approaches her and she attacks them, hitting them in the head. The problem is that it was the woman from her group, who was apparently looking for her. Then the man from the group arrives and asks what happened and refuses to leave the woman. Bonnie has to run away to avoid being caught and that's the end of Bonnie's story.

After Bonnie's story we begin Russel's. Russell is on the road and when he sees a car he tries to hide but it's too late. The man in the car stops and insists until he convinces Russel to go with him. In the end Russel goes, which proves to be a dubious choice, the guy is a sadist and when they get to the gas station they start shooting at them, they manage to break in and realize that they are an elderly couple trying to defend themselves. Russel disarms them but doesn't want to kill them and decides to go away and leave them alone, but his traveling companion decides to kill them so Russel abandons him and that's the end of the story.

After all 5 stories have been told we reach day 400 and realize that the notes on the wall were the stories told and that a recruiter from a community was reading them, all 5 people from the stories are gathered in a group and the recruiter comes up to them to invite them to the community. After some discussion and disagreements, Russell and Wyatt decide not to go and everyone else goes. I don't know if it was just a result of the conversation or if it had to do with their personal story choices.

That's the end of the 400Days DLC, let's see if we'll see some of them in the second season of the game.

Achievements and statistics

According to the XBox Game Pass app, the main story has a gameplay of 12 hours including all the chapters and 13 hours if we consider the 400Days DLC. It also says that in completionist mode it lasts 14 hours.


Considering the hours I've left the game idle plus the hours I've played, I've had 18:51.lol I've died 20 times and made 903 choices. I also got 4 more trophies for a total of 47. Even with the game all finished, there's still 1 trophy missing, which from the background color looks like it's from the DLC, but I don't know how to get it. Maybe at some point I'll replay the DLC and try to get it.



That was the start of the 400Days DLC... I'm waiting to see all the story connections and see if they're linked to the main story as suspected.

I hope you enjoy the gameplay and I want to hear your feedback so I know how to proceed with the Game Pass Experience. Would you like longer videos? Shorter ones? Other games? Complete this game? Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see here.

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Want to know how to earn $NEXO token by delegating your HP or earn HBD just by holding the $NEXO token? Join Nexo Digital's discord and find out more. Let's spread the art across the networks!

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This game is very interesting because of its comic format, my sister is playing it and I really like its aesthetics.

the story is really cool. i'm playing the second season and i should bring you the first episode today!