Haha!! xD
You are! SO UNCLUED! But it's okay, I'll forgive you. I live under a rock sometimes too. 😅 But yes! June the 6th, this releases, and so far I'm pretty certain it's gonna be great.
My partner didn't like Diablo 3 because, in his words, "It was too colourful, fairy rainbow colours everywhere in a dark gloomy game. And the talents sucked." ~ Diablo 3 was my first Diablo game and I really enjoyed it. I didn't think it was too colourful and overtaking the grittiness of the world, though I do admit the talents were very lite.
Compared to diablo 2 I kind of felt the same way... It felt like a whole different game and I DID give it a go at some point but it just didn't grab my attention at all. Not to mention the fact that the game was supposed to be released and then only released 3 or 4 years later😂 that was the biggest disappointment back then...
But perhaps I should suck it up and do a run through of the game... I think this time around I might enjoy it 😂 looking for something more relaxed to play.
BUT number four looksss frikkin cool though