So, it has happened. I may or may not be feeling slightly obsessed with World of Warcraft once more. 😱 I mean, I've only completed two zones and have slowly been levelling my professions too whereas other people have literally no-lifed it, probably haven't even slept, and are gearing up in Mythic dungeons already, but we all have our own different obsessions. Mine is just slightly healthier than the no-lifers. xD
My obsession? Just roaming around, doing whatever, admiring the world, doing the little things that the elitists don't even bother with. I mean, what's more important than gearing as quickly as possible so you can BE THE BEST?!?!?!? 🙄

Like, the gif above. 😅 I was sitting there for at least 5 minutes trying to get a screenshot of this location with a bolt of lightning down the centre. I never timed it right. xD But I got a few screenies to make a small gif out of my failure, haha.
I could've been doing a dungeon and gearing up during that waste of time! 😛😝
Who else bothers with this sort of thing? I just enjoy doing these little activities that are meaningless to most people. I don't take screenshots just for this blog, but I keep all the ones I especially like in a folder... and just, keep them? 🤷♀ Yes, I'm weird.

And so many people out there ignore side quests. I have this inane compulsion to complete every single quest I see. I will backtrack to previous quest areas on the off-chance a new quest has randomly appeared, and oftentimes they do!
This quest rewarded me with a cute little pet! A lot of people would look at the reward, see that they don't get gear, and just leave the quest there. A lot of people have an addon that tells them what quests to do and which to ignore for maximum levelling potential.
People! Why don't you just... I don't know... Enjoy yourselves in a game? That's a mad idea, I know. 😅
Hmm... I haven't touched the Battle Pet (WoW Pokemon) system in forever but I might have to hop back into it. xD

Anyway, I completed the second zone of the expansion yesterday, helping the centaur and the dragons of the emerald dragonflight. Then I flew over the zone again and found more quests that had appeared now that the campaign was complete in this section.

There was one in particular with this lion-wolf creature thing screenshotted above, where you're trying to train him to become a hunting companion but he fails, then you try to train him to become a goat herder and he fails, and he feels really sad. But then he proves himself as a rescue companion and he's so happy.
Yes, it brought a tear to my eye. Yes, I'm a giant sook. Imagine tearing up at a predictable side-story. XD

After completing the campaign in the second zone, I was rewarded with a new dragonriding mount! 😊 And then of course it was time to do all the dragonriding races in the zone.
There was one I found quite difficult... and that's because I made a silly false realisation. xD
You have to go through all 9 rings then make it back to the start as fast as you can, and I thought you had to avoid the blue swirly clouds. I went through one on my first attempt and I swear that it made me go slower and put me off-course. So after an hour, I finally did the thing at a Gold level, not touching a single blue swirly.
Turns out you're supposed to use the swirlies. They're a better version of the grey swirlies. My partner beat this race on his second attempt and it took me over an hour, because he worked out what the blue swirlies were and I was avoiding the things. 🤣🤣🤣

Pretty screenshot intermission!
I can't stop admiring the graphics in this expansion. Just, look at the clouds! Aesthetically curved, they add such a nice touch to the background of the landscape and they're just perfect.
Seriously. Major kudos to the artists on this expansion!

Last night I started helping Kalecgos and the blue dragonflight, and some walrus people.
I was amused when I walked into this tower and there were twenty images of Kalecgos all working together. Must be nice to be a mage as well as a dragon. xD

So far this third zone is the most magical of the zones I've explored so far, but there's also a nice balance between it all. There are forests and the glacial coastline all 'round, and jagged cliffs on the outer rim. Then, dotted in small pockets, are crystal caves, crystalline trees, and more crystals!
Unlike previous magical zones, it's not all BAM IN YOUR FACE. There's a nice contrast between natural and magical.

I'm still exploring this third zone, but I set my hearthstone to this little village of walrus people because working on their reputation will allow me to become a better fisherwoman. xD But as I was leaving the inn, an event popped up! And damn was it fun.
There were at least 20-30 other people here, all following the orders of the great chef. He'd tell you to quickly go fish up a certain fish, so you'd zoom over to a fishing node, fish up a fish, chuck it into the pot. There'd be tough steaks and rubbery fish that needed to be beaten up to tenderise them. Sometimes he'd ask particular people to taste the soup and then make a suggestion like it needs more seaweed or salt, then that person would have to quickly go find some and bring it back.

While cooking, the cooking area would be under attack by various beasts, then after 15 minutes of the event and us cooks having done such a good job that we made the meal Legendary quality, a boss came stampeding out. xD
Got a nice achievement for completing this event. And I just really enjoyed doing it. I also got a satchel of goodies and inside were some new bracers for my warrior. Score!

Today I'm planning on working on my professions a little more and perhaps see what I can do with this walrus reputation. See if I can progress it without working on the main campaign just yet.
I've reached level 70 now, max-level for this expansion, but I have no interest in gear progression or anything just yet. And I still have two zones to quest in!
More importantly, I have fish to fish up, food to cook, ore to mine, and an anvil to hammer wildly at as I create all the things. xD I also want to fly around the two previous zones I've completed and see what treasures I can find.
Today is a day for crafting, exploration, and sight-seeing!
Until next time!! 🔥🐲
It's amazing the way you enjoy playing. You make me want to give WOW a second chance, I really admire the way you play :3
Haha don't worry about crying over a side quest it's something that would happen to me too, we're sensitive team XD.
Cheers friend, I liked your post :3
Haha 😅 I just get a little excited once I start writing my thoughts and the Word Overload expels itself. If you do want to give WoW a second chance, now seems like a really good expansion to jump in and enjoy! It's only early days at the moment, but my initial impressions are that this is definitely one of the better expansions! 😊
Really this game is amazing and impressive, it has beautiful graphics, it makes you immerse yourself in the game and makes you want to be there.
I find with WoW, when it comes to immersiveness it's either hit or miss, but at the moment in this current expansion it really is immersive! 😊
It's amazing how the dragon looks like and the screenshots are beautiful huh it 😍
Damm the visual of this expantion is really great!! congrats for the pet it looks really pretty
Thanks! 😊 I can't wait to use the pet in some battles and see how it fares.