Helping The Oberland Station - FallOut 4 - [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Gaming2 months ago


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Hello good afternoon to all the HiveGaming community. This time a small settlement needed me to help them with the raiders that kept damaging their crops.


Hola buenas tardes a toda la comunidad de HiveGaming. En esta ocasión un pequeño asentamiento necesitaba que les ayudara con los saqueadores que no paraban de dañar sus cultivos.


My adventure begins at night, a rather dark and stormy night. As I saw the small house and its comfort, it was tempting to stay, knowing the dangers that could await me on the road... but there was work to do.
Mi aventura comienza de noche, una noche bastante oscura y tormentosa. Mientras veía la pequeña casa y su comodidad, era tentador quedarse, sabiendo los peligros que podían esperarme en el camino... pero había trabajo que hacer.


On my way through the rain I came across a small house and stopped to check it out. The owner had already passed on, and not in a good way.
En mi camino bajo la lluvia me encontré con una pequeña casa y paré para revisarla. El dueño ya había pasado a mejor vida y no por las buenas.



Suddenly, I heard noises outside and realized the worst: it was a horde of ghouls, people who made their living in that neighborhood and were turned into those creatures. Fortunately, I was able to repel them with a couple of bombs and my rifle.
Repentinamente, escuché ruidos afuera y me percaté de lo peor: era una horda de necrófagos, personas que hacían su vida en ese vecindario y quedaron convertidos en esas criaturas. Afortunadamente, los pude repeler con un par de bombas y mi rifle.


I continued my way through the town to the building where the raiders were.
Seguí mi camino atravesando el pueblo hasta el edificio donde se encontraban los saqueadores.


Having arrived, I took the necessary precautions to make sure everything went well. The battle was difficult and quite tactical. Mostly it was keeping an eye out for any corner or doorway where someone might suddenly emerge from.

It was a small place, but full of dangerous people, so the mission was completed in short order.

Habiendo llegado, tomé las precauciones necesarias para que todo saliera bien. La batalla fue difícil y bastante tactita. En su mayoría era estar pendiente de cualquier esquina o puerta de donde alguien pueda salir repentinamente.

Era un lugar pequeño, pero lleno de gente peligrosa, así que la misión se completó en poco tiempo.


After leaving the building, I returned to the base to report the mission and collect the reward.
Al salir del edificio, volví a la base para reportar la misión y cobrar la recompensa.


Thank you for reading to the end, I hope you have a great day and many blessings.

Gracias por leer hasta el final, espero que tengan un excelente día y muchas bendiciones

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I love playing these kinds of games, you did a great job.

Thanks @infinitejourney, I have always liked this kind of games but when the night falls and there is rain I like the atmosphere much more.

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