In the Order of the Silver Shield's knighthood, Royal Leonines are sometimes referred to as Imperial Knights because of their regal appearance and excellence on the battlefield. They wear the heavy plate armor of the Silver Shield, and most carry greatswords in combat, although some prefer war hammers, spears, and other two-handed weapons.

What's up fellow Splintermaniacs? How was your last season? I failed to make it to the Champion League again, but I was able to open about four hundred common cards. It's cool to get guaranteed cards, but I miss the grind of fighting up to the top to earn those battle chests and hopefully some Legendary cards. It's just not as fun knowing what kind of cards you will get. I guess it's cool to get Gold Foil cards sometimes, but I'll just keep one of every card in case I need to fill a Gold Foil battle fray and just burn the extras for that extra glint.

This week's battle mage strategy challenge is to win a battle with the commoners only battle which means that Legendary and sometimes Epic cards will not be playable. I think this is a great rule because it keeps whales that can afford all the best and most expensive cards from dominating too much. Sometimes Common cards can be stronger and more meta than Legendary cards if they are powered up. My enemy put out a martyr card first to boost their magic reflector card. I just got my Imperial Knight leveled up the level nine where he gets the magic reflect ability so we both had the same idea for our tank cards except I didn't use any magic attacks and my Imperial Knight can self-heal. Even though it was taken out, the rest of my cards made it to the end of the battle with strong ranged attacks. I could see my enemy's past battles before the match so I had a good idea he was going to rely on magic.

We're at the end of the first Soulbound Reward card print. I've only managed to get a few cards to the MAX level, but I'm happy to have all my common cards to at least level nine. I've won almost every Rare, Epic, and Legendary card, but none have even made it close to reaching the MAX level. There are a few I missed and if they are not too expensive, I'll happily pick them up on the market once they're for sale. I don't like how the bot will choose one of my soulbound summoners when I have all of the Chaos core summoners at MAX level so I'll sell or burn those. I don't care about using Gladiator cards and feel six mana is too expensive to spend on a summoner anyway. I just wish I hadn't spent so much time trying to get all of the summoners to the MAX level when I should have gotten all of the commons there first and won more Legendaries. I have to admit that these cards have been around for so long that I took them for granted and kind of thought they'd be around for a lot longer so I felt a bit of a panic when I realized this would be the last season to earn them. For the next set I'll focus on getting one of every card first, then getting all of the commons to MAX, and then maybe the Epics or Legendaries stronger. I wonder how many players got every card to MAX level. Which ones did you miss out on and which do you plan to buy or level up?

Check out my battle:
Original artwork at NFTShowroom:
Amazing art by the Splinterlands community:

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121