The crazed tinker, Morloth, created the Disintegrator within his lair in the Badlands. Assembling various parts of other creatures together, he spent an age designing and building his masterpiece. The only problem was bringing it to life. He tried taking the fierce lightning from the sky and filling the monstrous body with raw energy but that didn't work and only damaged its limbs. He experimented with molten power from within the ground but that only burnt away its flesh and hide. It wasn't until he had a visit from a cloaked agent of chaos and was gifted the answer to his problems that the engine burst into life.

How's it going fellow Splintermaniacs? Whatchya gonna do when the Disintegrator and new soul-bound cards come for you? I don't know if you've heard, but a new batch of soul-bound reward cards is headed our way. I haven't MAXed out a single card yet so I've been earning as much Glint as I can before time runs out. Since it will likely be ten times the burn-to-Glint value to unlock these cards I expect them to be both rare and expensive when they do hit the market. At least we can still get MAX-level Chaos cards for super cheap. They'll get burned, combined, and become expensive and rare eventually, but there should still be plenty of time to stack your decks. I look forward to the time when our current soul-bound reward cards can no longer be earned or bought and my enemy sees my cards and say "Oh No!. This guy's an OG!"

I've always liked the Disintegrator because even at level one it will weaken your enemy's melee attack. It seems like once martyr cards came out it became meta to put them out first to boost your tank's stats and that's what both of us did for this battle. My opponent went with the lazy and annoying habit of magic spamming, but my summoner, Tarsa, boosted life and melee attacks so it helped my Disintegrator survive their magic and help me smash them from the rear with sneak attacks faster than their magic could get me plus my Disintegrator had the trample ability so after it killed one of their cards it attacked the next in line and was the reason I won this fight. I MAXed the Disintegrator ages ago but didn't get to appreciate it until this battle today.

The Disintegrator is one of those cards that looks pathetic and gets overlooked at first, but once you get it to MAX-level it has Legendary quality stats. It comes in handy when you want to nerf your enemy's melee attacks and for neutral-only and odd-ones-out battles. I always use it when melee can attack from any position too. The retaliate ability can really make a difference. Even if your Disintegrator gets taken out it can still do some damage before it bites the dust.

Check out my battle:
Original artwork at NFTShowroom:
Amazing art by the Splinterlands community:

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice