It has been a while since I posted; I feel like I have neglected my account to focus on studies so hopefully this year I will be more active once again :)
Recently I have been thinking of ways to earn some money to help support my family while also doing what I enjoy and one thing that came to mind was Twitch streaming. I am grateful to have had a lot of support in making an account and streaming from friends and family which has been very helpful and has also caused me to stop being lazy and finally start something.

Game mechanics at its finest!
Creating the Account
With the help of quite a few tutorials, I set up an account. To begin with, of course, you can just set up a twitch account ( and go through the simple directions to add a profile picture bio, etc. From there finding a way to broadcast or stream a game on the computer can be tricky, however, with PlayStation, there is a quick and simple broadcast option built-in where once your twitch account has been linked you just set up a few options such as face camera placement if you are using one, the chat placement and stream title. Once these things are set up you are good to go and you can access a dashboard via computer or even a phone app if you wish to manage the stream further. You are also able to stream on mobile devices!
Earning money through streaming
To earn money through twitch there are a few options; one is to become a twitch partner, but you will need a minimum follower and stream time requirement. Once you become a partner you can then set up a subscription service and when people subscribe you'll get around $5-$25 and they will have access to special bonuses within your stream. Through being a twitch partner you can also be gifted "bits" by viewers which is a form of twitch currency that can be bought and used as a form of donation.
Another option to earn money through streaming is to set up a donation box that will be viewable through your account on twitch. There are quite a few services that will allow you to set up a donation box, however, one useful one is and I will say I recommend this if you are planning to set up one as it is fairly simple and allows you to link a Paypal account to accept donations if you choose. With stream labs, you will also have many options to access other things within your stream, such as viewing previous streams adding intros etc.
Here is a good tutorial that shows you how to set up donations systems and explains the system quite well.
Other services I have seen being used are ones such as Throne. This basically allows viewers to gift products that a streamer has put in their wishlist from different sites while keeping up privacy. You can also set up a system so that gifts purchased will show up on stream with the viewer's name and/or message.
Ways to promote gifting/donations
The most common ways donations and gifts are promoted is by setting up fun things that the viewers can do by donating, some common ways are letting them use fun emojis, having a leaderboard, pop-ups during streams and acknowledging those who donate a bit more.
End notes
I think the hardest bit for me was setting up small details such as doing a profile pic I do, however, have my sister who was kind enough to start designing me something, although she still hasn't finished yet, but I am looking forward to it.
I honestly thought I would have a hard time with my first stream, because I'm not very confident and don't like just talking to an imaginary audience. Luckily most of my streams I do with friends who are happy to join in with the gaming while I'm streaming and sometimes if one of them doesn't get the chance to join in the game they will ask me to stream just so they can watch :) My first follower was one of those guys so I will say having a group who supports you can really help you start streaming.
If you wish to check out my twitch account it is
I do need to work on my account a bit more at this point in time as I still don't have much on it or a set schedule, but I do tend to just stream in my free time and do it for fun.
Having streamed for several years on Twitch, you will learn the best ways for subscribers to donate. For example, Twitch takes half of all sub income, takes a % fee when people buy bits, and you only get a payout if you reach $100 in earnings in a month. The best way to get donations with the lowest fee and least wait time would be through PayPal or crypto.
Funny thing. Once you become a partner, you get a higher % of subscribers, but only tier 2 and 3 subs, which nearly no one does.
Okay, that is good to know thank you :)
I was wondering about how the whole subscriber levels work, but I can see why nobody would get higher subscriber levels as it doesnt really seem to have better rewards.
Excellent advice brother, very generous of you
Nice write up on how Twitch works and how you're gonna use it. Good luck on your streaming ventures! Dying Light is a great game. I've played it a couple of times. Enjoy that one!
Also welcome back to Hive! Seems like you've been away for a while. Hope you stay active this time around. Your writing is good!
I have been really enjoying how the co-op works on it and I'm definitly looking forward to Dying Light 2 :)
Thank you. I'm hoping to be a bit more active again.
Streaming sounds tough but rewarding; it doesn't sound easy to keep the banter up while you're trying to concentrate on the gameplay. But either way, deciding to start is definitely worth a pat on the back, as many people don't even try. Wishing you all the best in your streaming adventures!
When it comes to bantering, it's mostly just talking about what you're doing. To get started, you will do a lot of this.
"I'm going to peak this corner and see if anyone is sniping."
Peak corner.
"Ok, we are good. I'm going to push up to that building in hopes no one is there."
Push up to the building. BLAM!
"Chat, where the hell was that guy hiding. He has to be hacking."
It's way more manageable once you start doing it. The hardest part is doing that while you have 0 viewers and not getting down on yourself. Even if you have 0 viewers, you have to talk and interact like people are watching for the new viewers that pop in to not seem downright dull.
Yeah, I guess speaking to no audience is probably the worst. Gotta fake it til you make it, I suppose!
I think it all comes down whether the streamer has personality or not. People want to connect with other people, and especially with us gamers, we are born introverts.
The connection is very important here. Personality sells as they say.
Of course the content must be good also.
Of course, no one would watch a streamer play a game at the top ranks if his personality was dry as bricks. I live for the banter 😂
dry as bricks haha good one 😀
Hoping you're having a good day
Good to see another twitch streamer with a similar goal. IM trying to save up for a gaming PC to improve my set up so i give you a follow and check into your channel when i can, hope this helps with ad revenue :)
Thank you :) My only problem with gaming PC's is the price I've pretty much come to the conclusion that a console is a bit better due to pricing, however, you will still have the struggle of not having the right games as PC does have more variety.
Way to go!!!