Expected like the messiah and repeatedly postponed, Cyberpunk 2077 is undoubtedly the game that has unleashed the most passions on the web in recent months. With a half-toned, not to say chaotic, release on old generation home consoles, the CD Projekt RED title found itself sometimes praised by a specialized press, mostly not very objective, before falling from its pedestal during the sharp returns from consumers, displeased to discover a game full of bugs and clearly lacking in finishing touches. This contrast between the players and the so-called professionals provoked a torrent of reactions that overwhelmed the sometimes enlightened opinions of the few players who took the time to embark on the adventure.
At a time when it is only a question of scandals and dramas of all kinds around Cyberpunk 2077, it remains important to disregard the revelations and news published here and there so as not to bias one's feelings about the interest of this title. It is in any case what I would try to do all along the writing of this review! Now, let's leave all this ambient marasmus aside and dive into the futuristic universe of Night City.
A dark and pessimistic universe
But before getting to the heart of the matter, it should be remembered that the Cyberpunk genre draws its source from various works that have been able to make it evolve over time and especially during the 80s. This blessed era will see the emergence of artists from all sides who will shape the structure but also the guiding line of this universe. With its dystopian character, the world described in it can sometimes resemble anticipation novels such as Huxley's Brave New World or Orwell's 1984. The difference is that cyberpunk presents a society not run by one entity but dominated by a set of large corporations now acting as institutions. This political and economic takeover inevitably leads to a disorganization of the social strata where inequalities are legion.
In opposition to this situation, the protest takes a radical form in the form of a punk movement that brings together disillusioned, unethical and resourceful characters who are only trying to survive in an increasingly authoritarian world. Gangs make their appearances and violence seems to be omnipresent.
The sprawling, overurbanised megacities are the backdrop here. Technological advances in computing, electronics and robotics bring a feeling of dehumanisation through the use of excessive transhumanism. Here man is no longer rendered to his simple condition of being biological but literally merges with the machine (Ghost In The Shell / Matrix), thus increasing his physical, intellectual and psychic faculties (Akira). Note that Cyberpunk 2077 is mainly inspired by the role-playing game created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2020.
A little futuristic trip

Welcome to Night City! City of all vices, where disorder and chaos reign. Here, the ultra-rich, pledging allegiance to the great corporations, do not mix with the plebs, and the tension remains more than noticeable in the shallows of this city that sucks the souls of the most damned. From the outset, the game offers you three different approaches to the development of the scenario. You can play the role of a corpo, a street kid or join a clan of nomads living outside the boundaries of these big cities. In the end, it is important to know that this step does not matter, except for a different introduction and a few lines of dialogue related to your original condition. Too bad, we would have liked to experience three different campaigns...
However, the scenario remains sufficiently qualitative and perfectly in line with the world of paper role-playing. No manichaeism, no happy ending in a cold and dark universe. Of course, we are dealing with a work dedicated to an adult and mature audience. Certain choices will result in the creation of links with certain characters and thus create romances according to your sexual orientation. Technology is gradually forging the identity of each individual and it is not uncommon to see certain aberrations pushed to their limits. Without wishing to say too much, it will of course be a question of questioning one's human condition and one's relationship to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Is our mind escaping from the debauchery of networks and electronics that are gradually scattering our bodies? This is a question you will have to answer. How far are you willing to go?

It is obvious that the aesthetic aspect of Cyberpunk 2077 flatters the retina and will not fail to fill you with wonder, if you put aside a catastrophic physics ten thousand miles away from what a GTAV or RDR2 can offer, both of which are a few years old... Nevertheless, the rendering of the buildings and streets of Night City is strikingly beautiful, as long as you appreciate an urban environment. The details on the characters are equally impressive, giving a pronounced organic side and are of a bluffing realism. To tell you the truth, I had some fears about the quality of the rendering with my current configuration (I7 6700k + GTX 1080 in 1080p), but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the game was running in quite favourable conditions, in high/ultra with a framerate between 40 and 50fps. The lighting management is just as exemplary, even without Ray-tracing. In short, this is a contemplative festival. It is clear that we are facing a new generation game taking advantage of the latest technologies. Crysis has done its time in terms of benchmarks, from now on we'll have to count on Cyberpunk 2077!
Few games have been able to highlight such a complex genre while skilfully using the basics. CD Prokekt RED's gamble to venture into this field seemed at first glance quite risky, as the gameplay possibilities seemed infinite and until very little exploited. Although games such as System Shock and Deus Ex gave us a glimpse of a system centred around hacking and the use of technology, it was still limited by the range of action available. To this, Cyberpunk 2077 sometimes flirts with ease in spite of an extremely provided increase menu. It's very regrettable not to have integrated a more complex system than a simple choice to be made or a banal and very directive treasure hunt in the gameplay phases.
Let's not talk about stealthy approaches that are ultimately very hazardous and phases of action that are disconcertingly easy (an AI with sometimes strange decisions...), as long as you get your hands on the appropriate weapons. The craft, an anecdotal function, does not give the desire to carry out in-depth research. Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is more about form than substance. This leads to a certain redundancy, or even a weariness that taints the experience somewhat.
The final word
No, Cyberpunk 2077 is not a disaster. Far from it ! But neither is it the exceptional game that has been sold to us for many years. In the end and despite a very pleasant scenario as well as a technical and artistic direction on pc which leaves us admiring, the title doesn't renew the role-playing genre and remains of a disconcerting classicism. The last straw for a universe with a strong playful potential that is cyberpunk! Having myself waited for its arrival for so many years, I can only be mitigated in front of this final result and I dare to hope that the future online mode will raise the level. This is a first draft and will we see significant improvements in the future? We can only hope so, even if the hope of seeing a new opus seems to be compromised!
I had a lot of fun playing this, although I didn't finish it. I started encountering way to many bugs all of a sudden which ruined my immersion. I decided to drop it for now and wait for a while. I'm looking forward to getting back in it tho! I loved the world and the setting. Gameplay was a lot of fun.
I understand much of the critique the game has received but honestly most of it is unwarranted. Some people were simply expecting to much.
Great and reflected write up!