F.I. Escudo Steel Plant Liberated. Far Cry 6.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Hi Everyone.

In my series mission of destroying the FND bases of Jose Castilo, I've already destroyed two of them and advancing to the edge of the map, there comes the F.I. Escude Steel Plant. This is a major base for the Castilo army cause this is where they produce and fix their steel. Maintaining our tools, vehicles, and weapons is important for us, too. Also, they built a small army base at the factory, so destroying it would be beneficial too. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

The battle at the Steel Factory happens at the end. But, before that, a lot of interesting stuff happens and I'd like you to explore the gameplay and find out those parts. You can see one of them in the YouTube thumbnail and I've added some of those moments in the thumbnail of this post. Watch the gameplay and you will find many more hardcore and epic fight scenes.

I've uploaded the video to my youtube channel and sharing it below from there. Check it out.

I hope you liked my post and the gameplay video. Follow my profile and stay tuned for future posts.

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It's a clean slate I will really love to play this game probably Because of that machine gun 😁