All Hail the Lich King!

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

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The Natlan Archon Quest has ended and what an ending! It was the culmination of 6 acts of story and while there were some lulls especially with the story from last patch the story stayed consistent and used everything it presented to us since the beginning. I really appreciated that the very first person we encounter is the one that rallies the troops together to give us the final push we needed to win. Also it was really nice seeing some returning faces.

Also it turns out miHoYo kinda planned it all out. Each time they come out with new characters they tend to have a story quest to go along with them. But sometimes players skip those stories since they are usually inconsequential. This time though miHoYo did two things. They set up something called Tribal Chronicles with Natlan split up into 6 tribes. The characters they released were put into each of these tribes so their stories now had something to do with the whole tribe. On top of that miHoYo offered some freebies for doing them on time. What did that leave us with? Well in this finale we had additional dialogue and character appearances leading into the final battle. There was a whole section for that too. If you still skipped those stories then these guys didn't show up so that section plays out a little less eventfully.

Also the transitions between cutscenes and gameplay were done pretty well. In the final battle you have to destroy these things to allow your friends to support you and power up your sword. When you destroy them the game immediately goes into short cutscenes of your friends doing some epic animations before it gets to your sword powering up and then right back into the gameplay where you can use your charged up sword to attack the boss.

But the most epic part was the ending where just like the title said we got an Arthas sitting upon the Frozen Throne to be crowned Lich King. But in this version Arthas is called Capitano, the Frozen Throne only becomes frozen because of his ice powers and he's crowned the controller of the underworld not the Undead Scourge. (also known as the Night Kingdom) The mechanism worked similarly too where sitting on the throne gets Arthas possessed by Nerzhul. Capitano is deliberately doing that though. Sitting on the throne is just ceremonial. What he does is merge his soul with the Lord of the Night Kingdom. Also there's an additional act of cool here. Capitano is a member of a people who were cursed with immortality. The Lord of Night is dying and if she dies she takes the Night Kingdom with her. However her boss was the one that appointed her the ruler of the Night Kingdom and also happened to be the one to curse Capitano. So by merging himself with her he is undermining one of those things. Either the merger passes his immortality onto her and saves her so he dies which in effect removes the curse from him or the merger isn't allowed because he can't lose the curse but then the Lord of Night dies.

Anyway what'd you guys think of the story?

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