initiate1 cross-posted this post in Hive Gaming last year

Bigdogs first timeless attempt!

Howdy magic nerds! MTGA has gotten an update with a new format; Timeless. This format includes all cards printed in arena, making for some old favs showing up in decks. (looking at you dark ritual <3). My issue with the format is it includes digital only "alchemy" cards, so we still have no good true-to-paper format to play with power.

Alas, I am still going to run this format for some fun. I am a true Zombie lover when it comes to tribes, and MTGA has some power in for them. So for my first deck im running Zombos. Its my homebrew zombie combo, with extra dark ritual juice <3

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Its more of a 1 card combo deck here lol. We fill our yard full of zombies, then return all of them at the same time with Rally or Ranks. These 2 reanimate cards also combo into eachother, as one has Convoke. You can Rally for all your mana to return your yard, then use those creatues to Convoke Ranks for another batch.

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We have 2 key Zombies we want in our yard, and the more the better. They have a static ETB trigger that will drain/ping each time a zombie hits the board. They multiply off of eachother, you can do the letal math.

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To get into 1card combo we need to fill our yard, and build some threats on board. Most games involve making a board of zombies, your OP with use removal so the board does not get out of hand, then you return everything OP removes + what you have milled and go lethal on the ETBs from reanimating. One keys to this is our Champion, for 1 mana this guy goes WILD in our deck if he is not removed.
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The combo I use to play lots of cards early in timeless is cool too. Using our cheap zombies, Dark Ritual, Village Rites, and Undead Augar, we can keep the zombies and cards flowing!

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All in all, im getting wins and playing zombo, Lifes Good <3

I'd love to see what others have brews too, so it up the comments or post a deck and mabye Santa it toss in a tip <3