Power to the Spears! TFT Set 12

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

Hello gamers, it's been 4 days since the new set was released on TFT and I had the opportunity to try it out. There were even people who shared it on Hive long before me. @lionsaturbix also produces good game content, I suggest you take a look. Today I will share Kalista's spears with you!


You can watch the video here without commentary:

The portal for this game is Castfest. With the new set, new portals were added to the game. Buying charms will be 50% cheaper in this portal. The charm mechanic is new to the game, I will tell you what it is in a moment.

These are my favorite days of the game right now. Because the most powerful compositions have not been discovered by everyone and people like to try different things. So I started this game with the Faerie Crest augment and I was thinking that maybe I can activate 9 Faerie trait.

Let's talk about how charms work and what they do. At the beginning of the game you will see 1 charm every 3 refreshes and at the end of the game you will see one charm every 2 turns. You can shorten this time by refreshing the shop, but you only get 1 charm per turn. These charms are so varied that you can summon a dragon to your board or simply make the next champion you buy in the shop free. You will see weaker charms in the early game and stronger charms in the late game. You can see a charm in the photo above.

The early game went better for me than I expected. I managed to go on a 5-win streak. Faerie might be a stronger trait than I expected.

For the second augment, I chose the Mentorship augment, which is also new to the game. This augment allows a champion to gain 18% attack speed and 220 health when placed next to a more valuable champion.

The mid-game was also quite good. I couldn't make a 10-win streak because I lost a fight, but that's okay. I'm already well ahead of my opponents in gold, I hope I'm not too unlucky and I can find the champions I want.

For the last augment I chose New Recruit, which is an old augment. It allows me to place an extra champion on my board and get a champion replicator. It's a great choice considering that I will most likely stay at level 8.

Unfortunately, what I feared happened. I got to level 8, spent all my gold and didn't find even 1 Kalista. This is not possible under normal circumstances, but welcome to the luck factor of TFT!

Well, I finally found a Kalista and managed to complete my composition. Since I have a Faerie emblem and I can put an extra champion on the board, I was able to activate 6 Faerie, 2 Bastion, 3 Multistriker, 2 Pyro, 2 Warrior and 2 Preserver at level 8. All I need here is to make Kalista 2 stars and then I can go to level 9.

I saved my gold and spent it again, but I still couldn't find a 2nd Kalista, let alone a 2 star one. I need it badly as it is my main carrier and I have to keep looking for it. Even at 1 star you can see the damage she does. If I can make it 2 stars I can win the game.

After Morgana came on the board, she also helped me with damage and I beat my opponent who was playing Veigar carrier but he still had Veigar at 2 stars. With 3 stars I probably wouldn't have won. I need Kalista two stars as soon as possible!

After I found Kalista's second one, I used the champion replicator without thinking because she is my only carrier and even then my composition has problems with damage. I think I need some upgrades like Milio 2 stars, Morgana 2 stars.

This opponent was playing Witchcraft and even though I beat him, it was a very close fight and even with a small charm he can beat me. Now I need to find the rest of my upgrades.

Of course, while I was making all these plans, my opponent had already completed his Sugarcraft composition and defeated me. If you start the game by activating this feature and you can find an emblem, you can win the game. Sugarcraft is a composition where you are either 1st or 8th. My opponent was lucky to get 1st place. I say lucky because I'm sure he wouldn't have beaten me if he couldn't find a Sugarcraft emblem from the last augment.

I think the new set is a lot of fun and I like it a lot. I will continue to play on the Latin American server and see how far I can go in this set. Have you tried the new set? Don't forget to share your thoughts with me. Take care and have a great day!

 8 months ago (edited) 

I see only you and one or two more have names on them. What about the other characters? Are they NPC or do the players hide their names? And btw, Kalista Carry looks cool.

We are 8 players on the lobi and they are all human. All of us trying to be first. Thanks for visiting my post

I see, thanks for the clearance. Keep on gaming.

 7 months ago  

Man, thanks for the mention, as soon as I saw that the game was updated I really wanted to play it, I've been experimenting with other compositions and the truth is that they are very interesting, it's a matter of time and practice to be in the top 3, it's complicated, but fun.

Just play Sydra and you'll be top 4 every single game 😂😂